What’s In A Name…

In our first week at Perez Elementary, we got started with Mr Reinholdt’s 7th graders by introducing ourselves and talking about our names. We read two poems, both written by Foster Elementary students that I had in class last year, to get us inspired and get some creative juices flowing. They also did a little online research and looked up the meanings of their names, and then got started on their own pieces. I was so impressed with how quickly they were able to jump in and create such great work. I can’t wait to see what they come up with in the coming weeks, but for now, enjoy this week’s poems!

Mr. Reinholdt

7th Grade

My Name

Karina A. 


Karina is my name

my name means




My father gave me my name

I’m outgoing

and confident, my

passion is to draw

I got it from my 




Alena I. 


My name is Alena


A ray of light


Named after Mary 



My mom proudly gave

me my name


“Huh? How do you 

pronounce it?” is what 

people always ask me. 


I can’t even track how

many times people have

called me “Elena”. 


I used to keep quiet when 

somenoe mispronounced my name

but not anymore. 


To me my name means Imaginative

and grateful 


My Name

Christian R. 


My name is Christian

it comes from the religion

someone that follows God

that’s the definition


Given by my mother

comes from her beliefs

but either way 

It’s still my name



That is my name



Janiyah S. 


My name is Janiyah


It’s meaning is, God is gracious. 


My name has a meaning already. 


But I have my other meaning to it. 


My name can describe who I am. 


I describe myself as goofy, I have a sense of humor. 


And I never let someones ornery or disrespectful feelings hurt me




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.