Weekday poems

Students used the calendar for inspiration. Here’s what they created.

El Miercoles

By Roman Esteban

Es como mercurio

frio por fuera

pero eso no

impide que uno

se divierte el



En el verano

es caliente por

fuera con un

hermoso sol

para el dia.


Bese dia caliente

salen los pajaras

para bolar con

ese dulce viento

para tener un

dia feliz y



Los perros

salen tambien

para correr y jugan

con su dueno

para estar felices.



By Alexis C.

Wednesday is a

day that you

have to wake

up a 5:00

are 6:00. For

school that’s why

you have to

wake up at

5:00 6:00.

Wednesdays I like

to sleep until

9:00 but I

can’t because of school.

Do you know Wednesdays

feel like the blue

war in the Oshinu

like after school.

I like to sleep

in the afternoon.

And Wednesdays I

like to go outside.

And Wednesday summer

times I like to

chill in my

bed. And some time

I like to hang out

with my brother.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.