Veo Veo… Poemas I Spy…Poems

¡Nos divertimos mucho practicando la escritura de poemas con descripción y detalles cuando escribimos estos poemas! Pensábamos en el juego de ‘Veo Veo…’ y pensábamos en maneras de usar nuestras palabras para describir y pintar con palabras.

¿Puedes adivinar de qué se trata cada poema?

We had a lot of fun practicing writing with description and detail when writing these poems! We thought about the ‘I Spy…’ game and thought of ways to use our words to describe —and paint a picture— for someone. 

Can you guess what each poem is about?


Who Is He?


He is as blue as the sky, he can run as fast as flash 

and he is as funny as a goofy goober.

Need a laugh? 

He’s the guy born in 1992,

who runs around grabbing rings,

and fights a doctor that looks like an egg…

Now, let’s get back to the rest:

he likes to get emeralds, 

there are 7,

some are fake,

some are real.


Like a Baby


You can name it.

It is different colors, and

it will smile at you


you walk past. 

It has fur.

It will follow you, and

you have to feed it, and

you have to love it

so much.

Some people like to pick them up like a baby.


Puede Ser


Es algo que tu puedes poner sobre tu cabeza.

It’s something that you can put on your head.

It could be any color.

Puede ser cualquier color.

Or it could be any design.

O, puede tener cualquier diseño.

It could be in a couple shapes or forms.

Pueden ser diferentes formas.

Se puede agregar con la mano.

Tu puede tocarlo.


So Furry


He orange









He’s as orange as an orange lollipop.

He knocks down my vases in my sala.

He’s fury like a fury coat.

He makes me happy when he snuggles around me.


What Food?


You can get it from the breakfast place,

it’s crunchy and brown.

People love to eat it with eggs,

and comes from pigs.


An Object


It’s a rectangle

It has black in it

It looks like a heart and is smooth


Home Towns


It’s big and has farms at the southern part of it.

It has animals all over,

cities and towns,

it is next to Indiana.

At winter,

it’s really cold,

but at fall time it’s hot.


A Kind of Tool


It catches small things,

it’s sticky and small and it’s a rectangle.

You can get it from hardware stores


A Fruit Sweet


I see with my little eye,

something green

like green thumbs

a fruit, sweet.

We love to take it before it’s super sweet.

Either grows on the ground or in trees.

It has an ‘a’ at the end, 

and grows around the world.


Sweet Clues


It’s red as an apple.

It grows in the ground.

Some of them are pink and white.

It can be sweet or sour.

It can be a drink or smoothie…

What is it?

It’s a strawberry!


What Is This?


It’s small.

It goes into stuff.

It has many different brands.

The color that I have is black and brown.

You can find them around the world.

It feels hard.

It’s shaped like tootsie rolls.

If you drop it it won’t break.

You can’t eat it.


I Saved Up For This


It’s shiny.

It can be any color.

A lot of people want it.

It looks nice.

A lot of people have it.

And it’s smooth.

It’s not safe to drink.

You have to make sure it’s good.

It is cold sometimes.

It’s hot too.




I spy with my mind, something





surrounded by blue

(a lot of people don’t look at it)


close to the ceiling.


A Big Reptile


It is longer than a car.

It is green and it has small arms.

It walks slow.

Its skin is scaly and tough.

It has sharp teeth.

It eats small animals.

And smells bad.


I Spy…


It’s a pet.

And it’s hairless.

It has a brown spot.

It has two little teeth.

It likes cucumber.

It’s tiny.

Some people don’t like it.

Some people do.

Some people think it’s cute.

Some people think it’s ugly.

And it’s small and chunky.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.