Sometimes, the ick is real. Last week, Grissom’s 6-8th graders had lots to say about their pet peeves. We spent some time sharing some of our icks like chewing loudly and flies buzzing in our ears, then jumped into brainstorming some bodily sensations that our icks bring. After spending some time with our senses, students moved onto writing poems about what bothers them most. Check out some of them below:
6th Grade
All Eyes On Me
by Chloe R.
I can’t stand when people stare at me
All I hear is the little voice in the back of my head
the one that I try to tune out but still hear
the screeching of the voice. Screech, screech, screech.
All I feel is a slow tingle crawling up my back
I feel unreal like I’m wearing shoes on my head and a shirt on my feet
I hear a screeching sound, like fingernails on a chalkboard, scratch, scratch, scratch
or the quiet buzz of an old TV, buzz, buzz, buzz
I can’t stand when people stare
I can’t stand when there are all eyes on me
by Ethan G.
My body crushes inside when people are cringy.
It’s hurtful like a cactus that keeps poking me
Loud like an alarm that keeps going for hours.
Annoying like someone that keeps asking the same question over and over
I feel like I step on one million legos at once.
Like a volcano erupts in my heart and body for hours.
Like I want to punch my pillow into pieces until they stop annoying me.
Like acid seeping into my soul. Like my heart suddenly turns black.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk
by Marcelo G.
Just got a bag of chips
about to sit down
watch on the T.V.
But how am I going to watch T.V.
without my remote?
All the way to the table,
too lazy to get up,
but need to finish the movie
Like how I’m finishing this poem
by Admaris H.
I can’t stand when someone is spreading or saying things that
aren’t true.
Annoying like a person speaking
over you
Annoying like an alarm clock going
off during the weekend
Annoying like the train passing my house at 6am
Flipping train
Makes me wanna break stuff
I’m trying to sleep or be at peace
makes me wanna scream when they
speak over me. It makes me feel
makes me wanna say “stop” or
“leave me alone.”
7th Grade
by Kamiyah G.
I can’t stand when people write on
chalk boards
“skreech, skreech, skreech”
my body feels tingly, I feel so annoyed.
“You know what I can’t stand?”
“HOT BREATH.” It stank.
Makes me wanna throw up
Blah ugg bhah.
The most annoying thing is
washing dishes and I feel smoshy food
in the sink.
“glop glop ssmosh.”
My Number One Enemy In The Summer
by Nicholas H.
Where do I really start
It is a beautiful summer day
the sun starts to go down
that’s when they attack
annoying like a fly buzzing in my ear
I feel bothered like I’m getting picked at
At any second I feel like blowing up
But finally I go in the house
and get the bug spray
Please mosquitoes, go away!
by Joaquin C.
Please don’t!
The noise screeching
in my ear.
my brain tells me “LEAVE!”
Humming to get rid of
this terrible screech.
My body aches
I want them to stop
I can’t stand this!
Teeth aren’t meant for
Please don’t!
by Ernesto M.
My brain explodes when to read a book
it’s like a teacher saying “louder, louder, louder!” or “boom!”
dropping the book and ruffles of the pages flipping
my body feels like mad, nervous, and confused
Pet Peeve
by Collin V.
When some is bothering me like a bee flying around you
Or when somethings on your mind everyday feels frustrating or worried
when my little sister doesn’t get the memo of things my brain explodes
when things I say or do isn’t understood
I Can’t Stand Tests
by Kenneth A.
My brain explodes. bang bang bang when having a test.
tump tump tump my heartbeat gets louder
I can’t stand when my body stiff shivers
can’t stand when I feel nervous
my teeth jitter jitter
8th Grade
I Can’t Stand
by Thomas S.
All I hear is
yap yap yap
loud like a
farm. oink. moo. neigh.
Loud like when a
dog sees someone on
the front porch
woof. woof. woof.
sounds like the fly
that won’t die
in my room.
buzz. buzz. buzz.
my blood starts
to boil I want
to scream
but I hold in
my anger and
nicely I say
“please stop talking”
by Karla P.
A room full of people, I’m trying to stay calm.
I want to tell them to leave me alone but they might
take it wrong. Blah blah blah is the noise I hear
in the back. My feelings in a stacj. I feel my
heart go beat beat beat.
I finally build up the courage to say
“can you guys stop touching me please?”
by Axel M.
It feels like stepping on a ton of nails
having to wake up early
and hearing ring, ring, ring
having to hear my alarm siren
it’s as loud as a lion
and makes me want to start
All Over Me
Maria Guadalupe R.
I can’t stand when people
tell me what to do. My body
feels hot like a pot with boiling
All I hear is “yap yap yap”
the words they say are confusing
it makes me feel like the one
that always has to do stuff.
It always makes me feel like a
kid yelling at my ear (let’s
play, let’s play, come on)
like please just shut up