Twain 3rd Graders Bring the Joy!

For my first poetry date with Twain Elementary School’s 3rd graders, I came prepared to introduce the residency in four classrooms; to talk about “art class with words,” and learn something about the students by having them write “I AM’ poems. What I wasn’t prepared for was how ready the students were to jump right in with questions, ideas, creativity, and willingness to try something new! I brought the poetry lesson, and Twain 3rd graders brought the joy! What a great way to kick things off! Templates for “I AM” poems can be found all over the internet, so I’m not sure of their origin. However, I thought it would be a fun way to get students to think creatively about introducing themselves.  I shared my own “I AM” poem and we talked about LINES, STANZAS, and the meaning of words like resilience and ancestors. Although a 20- line poem is an ambitious way to begin, students really dedicated themselves to making the effort. They made it difficult for me to select only a few poems to publish from each class! Enjoy reading!

Ms. Lee
3rd Grade


 I Am
By Isaly R.

I am sporty and smart
I wonder what my RIP Uncle is doing and what he became
I hear the wind blowing calmly
I see God coming out of the sky being loving
I want to be a professional basketball player
I am sporty and smart

I pretend I believe in santa
I feel other people being beautiful
I touch my loving dad’s hand in the morning
I worry I will get a question wrong
I cry when I get yelled at and it makes my day bad
I am sporty and smart

I understand that my mom only has 2 hands
I say that my favorite subject is media arts
I dream of all the things I want in the world
I try my best in things that are hard
I hope that I will love myself when I grow up
I am sporty and smart


I Am
by Ian G.

I am a believer
I wonder when God will come
I hear crying
I see kids getting hit
I want a peaceful world
I am a believer

I pretend to act happy
I feel bad for kids who are hurt
I touch the Bible and read
I worry that kids don’t have food
I cry for kids in need
I am a believer

I understand that I can always help
I say I’m cool but I am not
I dream that I will be in heaven
I try so hard in school
I hope I am a good kid
I am a believer


I Am
By Luis O.

I am curious and loud as a cloud
I wonder about the ocean
I hear my sister crying
I see the puffy clouds in the sky as I wave goodbye
I want to be important
I am curious and loud as a cloud

I pretend God is waving the trees
I feel happy
I touch the air as it breezes through
I worry about not making a difference
I cry when I get hurt
I am curious and loud as a cloud

I understand that one small thing can make a big difference
I say that everything you do is effective


Ms. Murphy
3rd Grade


I Am Kind
By Madeline G.

I am lavender and happy
I wonder can I be a photographer
I hear sweet sounds of birds chirping
I see flowers growing from the ground
I want to be good and adventurous
I am lavender and happy

I pretend I am very good at sitting
I feel very happy when I touch hands
I touch fabulous flowers and God’s hand
I worry nothing will stop me!
I cry when no one wants to be my buddy
I am lavender and happy

I understand when I am sad to the sky
I say you can make changes to your feelings
I dream I am a good city helper
I try to be good to others
I hope I am a good citizen
I am lavender and happy

All About Me
By Mason R.

I am a little brother to Aailyah and Nadia
I wonder what my sisters think about me
I hear my bed creaking at night
I see the wonderful sun in the morning
I want to learn more about poems
I am a little brother to Aailyah and Nadia

I pretend that no candy is in the world
I feel rain drops on my hand
I touch a sticky wall
I cry when I see people hurt
I am a little brother to Aailyah and Nadia

I understand when my sisters are busy
I say making poems is fun
I dream about getting a new pet
I try to get the best of myself
I hope I give enough stuff to make people happy
I am a little brother to Aailyah and Nadia


Isaiah L.

I am Isaiah and I like snow cones
I wonder about my little brother
I hear dogs in the middle of the night
I see scary Halloween decorations
I want to see my little brother in person
I am Isaiah and I like Christmas

I pretend to cry so my dog does not bite me
I feel soft things
I touch all tips of things
I worry that I will get an “F” in class
I cry when I am sad or depressed
I am Isaiah and I like snow cones

I understand a little of my times tables
I say great things
I dream of being Mr. Best YouTuber
I try to do my best
I hope to see my friend
I am Isaiah and I like snow cones

Ms. Isaacs
3rd Grade

Alicia the Lover
By Alicia S.

I am kind and I love gym
I wonder a little bit and do you wonder?
I hear talking and calmness and nice people
I see kindness and teachers who are helping
I want the earth to be clean, and more kindness
I am kind and I love gym

I pretend that things are outside when I am playing
I feel happy and great
I touch my stuffed dog that my sister gave me
I worry that my food will be cold
I cry when I don’t have my stuffed dog
I am kind and I love gym

I understand Korean a little bit
I say that monsters are not real
I dream something random
I try my best on doing something
I hope my Grandpa is okay
I am kind and I love gym


By Sol M.

I am hardworking and creative
I wonder if I can become a superhero
I hear kids playing
I see the future
I want ∞ wishes
I am hardworking and creative

I pretend to like mushrooms
I feel happy
I touch my pillow
I worry when will I die!!!
I am hardworking and creative
I am hardworking and creative


I Am
By Elianna E.

I am 8 and I like gaming
I wonder about axolotls. I think they are cute.
I hear the sound of a cool breeze
I see Nature and the shine of the sun glaze off my screen
I want a starbuck’s frappe
I am 8 and I like gaming

I pretend red pandas and axolotls and monarch butterflies are not going extinct
I feel happy but sometime restless
I touch the grass while sitting on an open field and the fur on my puppy is soft
I worry about death
I cry about war and racism
I am 8 and I like gaming

I understand roblox games
I say “I’m busy” to my mom when she calls me while I’m gaming
I dream about peace
I try to touch grass
I hope to pet my teacher’s cat, Kocho
I am 8 and I like gaming


Mrs. Lamas
3rd Grade


I Am Proud
by Arantza P.

I am Mexican and Proud
I wonder how trees help you survive
I hear God telling me “you got this”
I see my dad’s eyes saying “I love you”
I want the world to be peaceful
I am Mexican and Proud

I pretend that I am a professional rollerskater
I feel Mary’s sheet covering me
I touch my mom’s hand before going to school
I worry the world will become just war
I cry because Joynielys moved to Puerto Rico
I am Mexican and Proud

I understand that everybody is equal and perfect
I say to my friend Camilla “you are beautiful”
I dream I’m the best teacher when I grow up
I try to be nice all the time
I hope everybody’s dreams come true
I am Mexican and Proud


Leo P.

I am myself
I wonder if I will make something fabulous
I hear the leaves
I want to hug my brother
I am myself

I pretend I have a lego Titanic
I feel in heaven
I worry about dying dead
I cry when someone is dead
I am myself

I understand to feel a hug
I say to myself don’t give up
I dream that I hug my mom
I try to make a big lego set
I hope I do not have a virus
I am myself


Julian O.

I am a little brother because I got a big sister
I wonder how cheetahs run so fast
I hear speaking
I see my room
I want an x-box
I am a little boy

I pretend to have a dog
I feel happy
I touch my pencil every day for school
I worry about my mom and dad getting hurt
I cry when I think about my grandpa that passed away
I am a little boy

I understand multiplication
I say anything I want
I dream about going to the park
I try to keep my room clean
I hope to be a police officer
I am honest.








“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.