Tongue Twisting + Concrete Creations

This past week at Dever Elementary students continued to learn poetry and art with words. Some sections learned about concrete poems and built their own and others tongue twisted through alliteration. Below are the incredible creations.


Top Tier Tongue Twisting:



Soft shear sheep sage sheets

A big black big bit a big black bear


Wes G.

Ronald Ralph III wraps up the running rack

Purple paper pleasers, Purple paper pleasers, Purple paper pleasers

Prince presented a peppy puppy.

Luca led the lazy lovely load lion.


Adam S.

Patrick has a hat trick when he’s at risk

Pink plink prink drinks

Dark dog dimes dots to drew

Mighty might marks the mark



Angelica G.

Sacrificing sad Spiderman sat on sally’s smelly scary socks safely

Magic mint maintained mad man with a mall mint machine magazine

Early elephant eats eels with an exciting earth eagle.


Layla C.

Pink poor pig picked the price pour pale pork of the poor pigs he picked poorly.

Monkeys make merry money mailing malls merrily


Sandy B.

Spiders slowly swing as Spiderman should

beige being as beautiful as the beach babbling with the waves

dirty dogs dance in the dirty mud

dirty dogs drag dirty disaster.



Concrete Creations: 

Emely R. Mikolaj S. Dashiah A. Angelis G.





“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.