This is not a small voice


This week the 8th graders of Haugan Elementary explored ideas about voices. What does it mean to have a voice? How can your voice empower you?  A voice helps humans communicate with one another, allowing us to express our emotions, thoughts, and opinions. Many students mentioned the Black Lives Matter protests that occurred this summer. Sparked by the tragic death of George Floyd, citizens across America crowded city streets, to speak out against discrimination and police brutality.

Together we read the poem “This Is Not A Small Voice,” by poet, activist, and educator Sonia Sanchez. In her poem Sanchez incorporates repetition and personification to describe the voices of her students. This is a large love/a passion for kissing learning on its face/this is a love that crowns the feet with hands/that nourishes, conceives, feels the water sails/mends the children. Sanchez’s poem is meant to inspire young people of color whose voices are often ignored by society. But by having the courage to speak out against injustices, every voice has the power to create profound change.

Encourage by the words of Sonia Sanchez, Haugan students wrote poems describing their own unique voices. Please enjoy this week’s published poems.


Mrs. Thomas’s 8th Grade
Group 1


A Voice That Can Change The World
By Diego B.

This is a voice that can change the world.
A voice that can heal others.
A voice that can go beyond its limits…no matter
what people say.
Nothing can stop it.
A voice that was from 2 immigrants but was small
because of race…but now nothing can stop it.
A voice that doesn’t stop even if objects
get in its way.

A voice that people can agree on.
A voice that can be seen
by other people…by other races.
A voice that can’t and won’t be stopped.
A voice that can change the world.


Jasmine’s Voice
By Jasmine F.

My voice is my future.
My future depends on me.
Standing still….
How the wind blows.
And how my voice shifts.

It is I, who determines
Where my voice shifts.
To be heard, understood
And to be seen as a leader.

My voice is my future.
It depends on me.
Not you.
Not my mother or father.
Just me, myself, and I.


My Voice
By Bryan R.

This is my strong voice.
This is a voice that you could hear miles away.
This is a voice that came from Latino race.

This is a voice that is hidden by a mask.
A voice that is the wind that shatters my window.
A voice that is powerful.
A voice that can be high or low.
A voice that can explode a volcano.
A voice that can help others.
A voice that can change someone’s life.
This is a voice that can talk for others.

This is my strong voice.
This is a voice that you could hear miles away.
This is a voice that came from my Latino race.
This is a voice that I would never change.


Mrs. Thomas’s 8th Grade
Group 2


This Is Our Voice
By Melanie A.

This is not a silent voice but a free voice.
A loud voice.
This is a voice that can make change.
This is a voice that can destroy barriers.
Across the world…
This is the voice of the people.
Trying to change, to take a stand.
This is a voice that travels the world.
To speak up for those who can’t.

This voice won’t stay quiet.
Is a voice that is powerful.
This is our voice.
Is a chance to help others
and change what is wrong to make it right.

This voice is the power that changes us.
That shows us how far we can go…
This voice can make us look
deeper inside of us.
This is the voice that opens up into the world.
This voice tries to destroy barriers.
This is the voice that won’t stay quiet.


My Voice 
By Camila I.

This voice I carry in my lungs and in my throat
is so very special.
This is the voice of a girl who loved the world.
This is the voice of a girl who thought the world
was filled with innocence.
This voice is special, this voice was used by me to
bring out the good in people.
And although demons couldn’t turn into angels,
my voice brought power and thunder.
Because what would rain be without thunder?

Thunder is always lighting at first…
And my voice may be from a 5’2 height
but my voice can drown you where you stand.
This voice is for those who couldn’t speak.
This is the voice for Breonna Taylor, for the
Parkland shooting victims.
This is the voice for victims of racial injustice
and the voice of the Holocaust .

This is the voice of thousands whose own
voices were taken away.
My voice is like the Little Mermaid’s.
It was taken away, but…
The mermaid’s voice returned in the end.


The Voice That Is Like Water
By Valeria R.

This voice…
The voice that can walk over waters
I use it like a weapon
to represent those
Who won’t…who can’t

This voice can destroy you
All the things that cannot be forgiven
All those things you have done
Locking kids in cages…racism…misogyny…
Watching them DIE
Bystander…SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!

This voice can destroy you
Innocent people DIE
How can you watch but not do anything
and just smile?
What a disgrace

My voice can run like water
It will be time for you to be punished…
Down in the deep black hole
Now who is smiling??? MEEE!!!



Mrs. Thomas’s 8th Grade
Group 3


The Untold Truth Of A Voice
By Flor E.

A voice
A voice that can heal or hurt
A voice that can kill someone
A voice that doesn’t have an exact definition
Is she or he mad or happy?
A beautiful angelic voice or a devilish voice?
Who’s that voice?
What does that person look like?
Is this voice silent or loud?
A voice that expresses a lot of emotion
A voice that can be acerb or delightful
A voice that can follow you to the end of your story
A silent voice that can be as loud as a siren
Is it a voice of a hero or villain?

What’s my voice, you wonder?
My voice can be clear as water or as messy as a tornado
A voice that can tell the future
A voice that has regrets

It can tell so many lies that people fall for it
or tell people the truth but people won’t care
A untanglish voice
A voice that can be bittersweet
A voice that can hide as much as you
hide your emotions
My voice can act

My voice has so many different tones

sweet tone
sour tone
course tone
committed tone
or formal tone

What would you call a happy face
but a serious tone?
Would you refer that person as a happy
or a formal person?
A voice can hide so much and can go as
deep as a black hole
And still no one sees it
I wonder why?


Justice Is In My Voice
By Yoselin R.

This is not just a classic, boring voice
that is heard.
This is my calling voice,
I use to yell, “Justice!”
They say, “Say it louder.”
My voice is my pride.
Moves in
different tongues.

This is not just a soft voice
that is heard.
This voice is like a timer ready
to be heard.
This voice gets louder for justice.

My voice is like thunder
clearing the clouds
and darkening the day.
My voice yells for Justice.

My voice speaks for Justice.


My Voice
By Gena Q.

My voice is a blessing.
A blessing you can’t take away from me.
My voice shouldn’t be a threat
that you gotta pin me down.
While forgetting the words I said, I’m talking.
Please just listen to me!
I’m human, my voice is full of love.
There’s no threat here.
A voice that can inspire, encourage you
by finding that voice to speak up.
Not with the silence but with the sound
of your voice…
My voice shouldn’t be hidden.
It is a blessing for a reason.
My voice, my words deserve to be heard.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.