The Projector, El Tiburón, and Other Personas

This week was all about personas at Lawndale. After an enthusiastic game of “What’s My Name?” we read “Being A Bag” by Washington Elementary’s Asano L, and got to work. Please enjoy!

Ms. Barker

6th Grade

“My Life As A Projector”

by Ji’Mia W.

I am a projector, a projector whose only ever traveled

two times in my life, a projector that didn’t see my owner

for two weeks. I was lost in the wind. I am a projector

who is used all the time. I sit and project movies,

shows, and games all day long. But I have a unique

power. My power is that you can connect any device

to me. You can connect your phone, games, iPad, computer

and I will project it. But my owner seems to not

think that’s cool. She doesn’t even use me anymore.

but she knows I’m there so that’s all I care

about. I am a projector, a projector with an

amazing life. But I only have one issue which is

that I can be stolen. But other than that

my life as a projector is good. But I am

a projector who only ever traveled twice and

a projector who doesn’t get used, but is



by Jeremy A.

Desde pequeño quise ser botella

Desde grande soñé con ser ballena

Y ahora que lo soy en realidad

Quiero ser tiburón para que me digan

¨¡Papi, aquí llega el tiburón!¨

Ms. Barker

8th Grade – Section B

“Mrs. Potts”

by Sanajiah M.

I am a beautiful cream-white

teapot and the bottom and the

top of me are purple, blue, pink and

some parts are shiny gold. I like

pouring tea and spilling the tea.

First I go to Belle’s room to

see if she’s up then the kitchen

to see if Lumiere started making

food. I jump on the table and

I fall down by the second time.

Jumping my handle breaks off.

Belle runs to put me back

together. After she’s done

she goes back to her room.

Lumiere is done cooking.

The Beast starts yelling at Belle

to eat. That’s my life for

ya there’s so much happening in

one day.

Ms. Barker

8th Grade – Section A

The poets of Section A requested that I share this slide from our “My Name Is” activity, where students co-created personas for inanimate objects. Oreo was a class favorite.


Asia M.

I am clippers

I’m in your hair

I’m in your hand

I’m in your shop

Probably getting you ready for

a date or getting ready to pop

I love being in your hair

whoever got the clippers

I might mess you up

or I can get you right

“Being A Comb”

by Kamarion S.

Being a comb

is very fun and

hard some people put

me in their pocket

which I don’t like

one fun thing I do is comb

people’s hair

I live in people’s hair then

people’s homes I want to

be famous for my work



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.