The Ars Poetica

Greetings, Bronzeville Classical Friends! In our nine weeks together, Bronzeville Classical students have written so many different kinds of poems broaching all different kids of topics. I don’t really believe in poetry “experts” (the best poets are always learning, in my opinion) but these students know a lot more about poetry now. In that vein, last week we tackled the ever-timely ars poetica, the name for a poem that is about the craft of poetry. Take a look below at students’ revelations and conclusions about how it feels to be a poet. 

Ms. Schuch’s 9:45 class, 3rd grade

a poem is…by Parker D.

my feelings have the best of me
but the rest is my body. a poem
is beautiful as a sky full of
stars. a poem is as beautiful as
me! a poem is love with sadness.
a poem strings people together
a poem is speaking from my soul

Ms. Schuch’s 12:45 class, 3rd grade

Advice for Poets by Zoe

Feel the power inside your
body. When your bully comes out
write and write, express your mind
be you.

Ars Poetica by Arlo

You can erase the
poem, but not the ideas sheet
you can crumple the poem
but not the ideas sheet
you can rip the poem but not the ideas
because they are key
you can destroy anything anything but the ideas

Ms. Siudock’s 1:45 class, 4th grade

Ars Poetica by Marisol Y.

Writing a poem is hard
Writing a poem is like taking a test
Writing a poem is like reading a chapter book

I just don’t have ideas
I try hard
I try my best to write
I can’t think of one now



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.