Taylor Street Dance

This week we read “I Am She” by Nikki Giovanni and discussed literal and figurative language. Students shared their perspectives about what makes poetry unique, and I emphasized that every word matters in a poem and that poets choose each word with great care. Students put this idea into practice by writing autobiographies in 24 words, and then pared them down to 12, 6, 3, and 1.

Ms. Wesson
5th Grade
Group 1


Christopher B.

I was born in land of wind. Curious about
the world. I grew I wonder what the point. Are
we here for greater cause.

Born in wind…curious…wonder about
the world is there greater point.

Is there greater point in world

greater point world

Christopher world


Caleb J.

I am Caleb I play video
games born in March with the
leprechaun luck of family, I am
in the game with one life.

I am Caleb with leprechaun
luck in the game with one

I am Caleb in the

in the game

Caleb game


Gerald S.

I was born in the summer
me and my grandma love
to cook fried chicken every Friday
and Christmas dinner every year
so fun

Born in the summer me and
my grandma love to cook fried

Grandma love to cook
the summer

Love to cook

Gerald cook


Ms. Wesson
5th Grade
Group 2

Taylor B.

I am Taylor. Born on Taylor Street. Born
2 days after Christmas. Born in CHI Town.
I dance every day. My nickname is Tay

I am Taylor. Born on Taylor Street. Born
in CHI Town. I dance

Taylor. Born on Taylor Street. dance

Taylor Street dance

Taylor dance


Ethan C.

Drawing anime, sometimes I feel
sad that day. Watching tv all
day, staying up extremely late. I cry
because my grandpa died
…It’s time.

Drawing anime, staying up extremely
late, sometimes I feel sad that

Drawing anime, staying up extremely

Drawing anime late.

Ethan anime


Bailey L.

Hello I’m Bailey I turned 11 today I’m in fifth grade
I never travel to anywhere but New York and Pine Bluff
Arkansas exciting.

Hello I’m Bailey I turned 11 today I’m in fifth
grade exciting

Hello I’m Bailey I turned 11

Hello I’m Bailey

Bailey Hello

Ms. Henry
6th Grade
Group 1


Kourtnae L.

Born June 10, 2007 Illinois in Chicago
an angel was born. Named after his
father. Would play games and celebrate
school and with family.

Born June 10, 2007. Named after his father,
play games and celebrate.

Born June 10, 2007 and celebrate.

Born and celebrate.

Kourtnae celebrate


Christopher R.

I’m a boy that was born in the Chi Town
where many people don’t get around. I’m a roaring
lion strong as iron.

was born in the Chi Town
where many people
don’t get around

where many people
don’t get around

don’t get around

Christopher around


Destiny R.

Born July 9th, 2007…under the Florida
sun…hot weather…no snow…crab
legs…playing in the backyard…climbing palm
trees…scraping my knees…

July 9th, 2007 palm trees crab
legs playing in the backyard born

July 9th, 2007 crab legs born

July 9th, 2007

Destiny July


Ms. Henry
6th Grade
Group 2


Kyla B.

A ray of sun was born on the 12th month 1st day
Coming from good humble beginnings
Smiling and laughing doing everything
with intentions

ray of sun
1st day
smiling and laughing
12th month



Kyla intentions


Andrea G.

I was born on a Wednesday, the day
where the beautiful name Akua
appeared. The day where my mom’s
journey of raising me started.

The journey started on Wednesday
The day my mom appeared with

My mom appeared with Akua

Wednesday appeared Akua.

Andrea Wednesday


Leah H.

I was born when the snow flakes
start to fall. From a place called the
Windy City. With the goofy
and the hardworking.

Born when the snow flakes
start to fall. The Windy City. Hardworking.

Born the start of snow. Hardworking.

Born of snow.

Leah born


Jeremiah M.

I was born in the season of springtime
3 days after Mother’s Day. Since that day I
have learned all I can to succeed.

Born in the season of spring, I learned all I
can to succeed.

Season of spring I can succeed

Season spring succeed

Jeremiah succeed




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.