8th Grade- Tables and Odes Pt. 1

This week we read Joy Harjo’s “Perhaps the World Ends Here” and talked about all of the things that can take place at a table. Whether it’s at home, or in the cafeteria. Some students weren’t too inspired by the idea of a table so I gave them the option of writing an ode to something they love or appreciate. So for this installment we have quite a variety of pieces. Enjoy this week’s poets!


An Ode to the Things I Desire



My odes,

the things that I depend on 

some chicken 

the things I love

my coat

a favorite one

a fork a thing everyone 

depends on 

a jacket

the thing I desire

skinny pants

the things Dayshaun 


then there’s my desire




Dayvion P. 


God loves me

He wakes me up in the morning

He feeds me

He protects me

He gives me wisdom 

He protects my family

He gives us life

He gave his only son to save us

He keeps negative energy away 

He humbles me

He loves me. 



Kamiyah F. 

What I like to do at the 

table, talk to my friends

Laughing with our hands over

out mouth, laughing the same

gossiping about crazy 

drama from last year, rowdy 

and loud. 



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.