This week, Kozminski’s 4th and 5th graders entered spring with a new energy. Students were excited to celebrate their published classmates, and gave great suggestions during our group brainstorm. Together, we made a huge list of words that best described spring weather. Then we thought about some of our favorite spring activities, including puddle-splashing and visiting new places. Some students even shared that they like taking walks nearby in Jackson Park when the cherry blossoms arrive. We then borrowed words from our brainstorm to create Diamante poems, a type of shape poem that uses descriptive words for one specific topic. Below are some great springtime poems:
4th Grade
Kai’El B.
sunny warm
jogging shopping swimming
violets daisies beach zinnias
baking movieing splashing
breezy windy
Darryl T.
Foggy cold
Running playing working
wasp mosquitoes snakes bees
swimming cleaning training
hot windy
5th Grade
Kaylie B.
rainy cloudy
playing bikeriding walking
roses bunnies lightingbugs leaves
jumping climbing napping
foggy bright
Keynijah C.
sunny muddy
biking sleeping running
violets honeybees dandelions birds
swimming splashing sunbathing
hot rainy