Spaceship Rhymes

Hello readers! This week, Kozminski’s 4th and 5th graders took a trip to outer space. We were inspired by fellow Poet-In-Residence Joy Young’s space exploration lesson and started off our session with some good poems. Fourth graders read Allan Wolf’s “The Day The Universe Exploded In My Head” and fifth graders read “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” a poem written almost 100 years ago. After reading together, students individually wrote a few lines to add to our class poems. Check out what each grade came up with below.

4th Grade

I have this thing called a brain.

Knowledge sticks to it like a wet candy cane.

In the universe of my brain a lot of thoughts are running and skipping

and they wouldn’t notice if a pipe was leaking.

My brain is big like some asteroids, and the universe

Fast and first

My brain is like the universe, always twirling

My arms are like solar wind, always whirling

I have different black hole in my head.             

Each black hole leads me ahead.

Stars In the night the stars are very bright

they remind me of a kite.

The earth is a ball.

The stars will give you a call.

Stars started talking

Venus was walking

If we roam in space but we can’t fly

maybe we can try, we can come by.


5th Grade

The sky is light

 It shines on me bright

I am happy because of the sun

I like having fun

Looking in the sky

Wanting to fly

The stars disappearing 

as the sun starts appearing

I was flying so high

I could see all the little stars cry

I’m gonna have to pay attention,

Or I might be headed to a whole new dimension

When I landed on a planet it was so big 

I had to dig my way out to my spaceship

I shine so bright 

 people think i’m a star at night

Like the vastness of space

My brain is huge, an infinite database

I am my spark

Like stars in the dark

So if you and me shine

 just know its a sign








“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.