This week we had in indoor snowball fight!
Well, sort of.
We used a fabulous lesson plan by fellow CPC poet-in-residence Fulamusu Bangara where students write down responses to winter-inspired writing prompts on different sheets of paper and crumple them up into “snowballs”. Then we have a snowball fight! After the mayhem dies down, students grab 5 snowballs each and open them up, revealing other students’ responses to the same prompts. Then they get started on writing a winter poem using someone else’s words in their work. Aside from the excitement of being able to throw paper at each other for a full 30 seconds in the classroom, students also enjoyed being able to use someone else’s words to help generate their own ideas. Many expressed they found it easier to write this way. Enjoy this week’s poems!
Ms. Caplan Class- 6th Grade
The Most Wonderful Time
Winter, the most wonderful time
of the year. drinking the perfect
cup of hot chocolate
it’s steamy
with creamy foamy whipped cream
You step outside, you feel something
its the snow, sometimes snow
could feel like stepping on a pot of fruit
Brrrrr. You take off your jacket
and go to the heater and warm up
and chill, relax, and eat or drink something
warm. You’re driving in the car
and you wish that so many of the cars
weren’t stuck, and all the snowmen
couldn’t turn into snow when getting
hit by something or somebody.
Noah J.
The perfect cup of hot chocolate
tastes like sweet, warmth, like when you
finally get something right. It tastes
like a hot warm cup of creamy
hot chocolate. My favorite winter activity
is to go outside with my cousin and
have a snowball fight or make
an igloo. One thing I see in winter,
is alot of snow and really cold.
Ms Murray’s Class- 6th grade
To watch a movie a
look at the snowflakes out
the window.
The smooth white blanket,
the salty taste of the whipped cream,
it just melts in your mouth
When the snow is falling really fast
I close my eyes and walk
La taza de chocolate me
derite lo frio