Rhythm Poems

Greetings Galileo poetry friends and followers! This past week, we focused on the topic of rhythm. We listened and danced to rhythms in Charles Mingus’s “Better Git It In Your Soul.” We clapped and tapped out rhythms with our hands. We read the rhythms in Shel Silverstein’s poem, “Mr. Grumpledump’s Song.” We paid close attention to the rhythm of words—how some parts of words are stressed or emphasised, while others are unstressed or spoken more softly.

When it came time to write, students chose a rhythm pattern to use in their poems. Many students worked with rhyming words as a way to enhance the repeating patterns in their poems. We hope hope hope you love love love our words words words!


Mrs. Van
4th Grade, Group 1

Elijah M.

I need all that Melanin
So that I can survive in
All these hot environments
Good thing I have a lot
Or all of me would be not
I’d be remade as a bot!


I love Mexico
Matias G.

I flew a plane
over the sea
grabbed all my bags
met lots of folks
in Mexico


<3 Hearts ♡~
Maya K.

Hearts are our love
we love our hearts
we are alive
because of them <3


Landon Y.

I will eat
all my food
and all my
dessert foods

Mrs. Van
4th Grade, Group 2

Viviana C.

Stars are far
they twinkle
they’re too bright
they are light


At the Park
Zelda R.

At the park
dog will bark
kids will scream
for ice cream


Leah B.

grass is green
trees are green
streets are green
I like spring


I Want
Victoria S.

all I want to do,
     is be so cool,
all I want to do,
     is not be a fool






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.