This week in class we read the poem “The Gift” by Ocean Vuong and talked about the way this poem uses repetition and how to incorporate it into our own poems. Students wrote about a variety of experiences, memories, and emotions. Please enjoy a selection of their work.
Ms. Smallwood
6th Grade
The pencil comes down with a clatter
August H.
The pencil comes down with a clatter – I just can’t get
it right I was doing everything backwards. I started
with addition outside of the parenthesis.
It takes me 10 minutes to finish each one yet they
are still wrong I practiced PEMDAS over the summer – practice
practice, practice, and more practice. By the end of the
summer I got them correct, I was on the brackets not
just parenthesis. I was happy I did that because PEMDAS
was huge in 5th grade. As Mr. Orlov says, practice makes
excellence, you can never be perfect – don’t try,
you will fall short and be excellent at it, not perfect
Pain Pain Pain
Leo T.
Pain Pain Pain
You get hurt once but
it comes many times
red drips like the words that brought it
pain like a day with no sun
Ms. Hernandez
7th Grade
Maybe next season
Charlie H.
Every Sunday morning
since I was 10 years old
I watch my favorite sports team
Indianapolis colts
And every season
they lose
and again
and again
and again
yet I still root for them
even if they suck
I watch every game
and again
and again
and again
They lost to the
biggest comeback
my body is used to seeing
If he caught that pass
we would of made
the playoffs
Well maybe
Little Pink Bike
Yousra J.
I kept trying to ride a
bike again and
again and I
got it. The color
of the bike was
pink. That is
all I remember
Little pink bike
it was so hot
outside I asked
my mom can
I have water.