Remembering Our Childhoods (8th Grade)

There are some realizations you can only come to by reflecting on your past. This is what the 8th graders of Clinton did as we explored our childhoods with the Aimee Nezhukumatathil poem “When I Am 6”. Students first drew their homes, reflecting on the memories held there. Then, they compared these to memories from a previous age. Students wrote about a wide range of ages, and told a wide range of stories, exploring the nostalgia of being young and the challenges of growing up.

Ms. Krasic

When I was 12
by Elton M.

When I was 12 I was at a theme
park the rides spinning me around.

Now that I’m 13 now my mind is
spinning around with worries.

“A leap to 14”
by Nahum A.

13, oh what a year
I wish I could go back
The memories that were made
ones that I can’t get back
The times at the park
that I spent playing soccer
that time at Six Flags, oh
the joy I had
The illusions in that museum,
I wish I could see them
The flight to Reno and
the drive to California
That time in Toronto, what
memories I had

But now 13 comes to an end
and 14 rushes in
The stress I feel
The responsibilities I have
It’s all too much too much
Something I can’t bear
oh 13, I wish I still had you here

“My Age”
by Julia S.

from 7 to 7 —
I thought it was heaven.

I couldn’t wish for even more sleep.
But now the work is getting too steep.

I wish I was 7 not 14,
Getting drinks from 7/11.

Ms. Karas (Group A)

“When I am 10”
by MD S.

I started playing cricket like a horse. My mom also
tells me not to be very mad about it. I would
not listen. Then my mom gives me a pineapple
Juice that is compared to the moon. It’s
very dry.

by Sofitka S.

10 years into the future
10 years into the past.

I’m 13 but was just 3…

That year was the realization
of my existence. The first
time I truly withhold what I
saw. I went to the beach
for the first time my face
brighter then the smiling

“Lost Memories”
by Aayesha P.

When I was 6, I used to go to the religious
class. As I came home, I always saw vicious
dogs as if they came from another planet.
I went inside and played on the swing
in my living room. Closed my eyes and felt
like I was flying in the sky. I felt down
the sky and went back to reality as I
had to learn English with my grandpa.

“When I was 13”
by Stephano M.

When I was 13. Went to my first soccer game
exited to see my favorite soccer player.
I realized that my favorite player wasn’t the
person I thought he was. MAD, FACE RED
screaming at his teammates at his teammates
like he wasn’t making mistakes himself
I looked at my hero but it turned out
the hero I thought he was was just my

Ms. Macmillan

“Now that I’m 13”
by Gio B.

When I was 4 I learned
to swim like a dolphin.
My newborn sister turned
a HUGE one.

Now that I’m 13 my
sister means the universe
to me. Horror movies are
like a puppy to me.

by Shakira J.

When I was 11 years old I got
even better at ballet. I would
always feel like I’m dancing across the
Stars body swaying to the music

“First Time”
by Yasmin A.

When I was 6, I came to America.
I went to school when I was six. I felt
nervous and anxious because it’s the first
time I came to America and joined this
school. It was my first time trying out
milkshakes, it was fantastic. I wore my
hijab for the first time, I felt confident
wearing it. My favorite color was pink
because I was so girly that time.

“My life”
by Grecia M.

When I was 11, I went out
to the park. Hung out with my
cousins and played soccer with
them and was very happy next
to them. My mom and I going
out to take a walk that
felt like an angel walking with
us. When my brother visited from
Mexico it felt like a sun.

Ms. Karas (Group B)

by Khunsuma S.

When I was 11, I use to think of how it
feels to decorate something and I tried to
make my mom’s favorite glass into a flower
vase by also using her lipstick to draw flowers.
My mom was pretty mad for ruining her lipstick
but she tells me it was a creative idea and she
gave me a whole cake like a gift.

“The day I was 11”
by David C.

When I was 11 I met one
of my old friends, he was cool
as cold I had real fun
having a good time I had
Lime for a first, but it
tasted the worst so I learned
how to bike and that’s what
I Liked, then I learned
how to master it using one
hand I also loved Playing
in the Sand.

by Syed M.

When I was 10 I crashed into
a wall there was a pool inside our home

The pool is empty it’s newly made
it needs to be filled up with water

My mom said the pool will be filled
when I wake up so

I was running from my room to the backyard
mom shouting don’t jump but I did

and it hurt me so bad



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.