Metaphor| Metáfora
Sabin Elementary School | 4th Grade
Our work with metaphor!
We read Nikki Giovani’s poem, “Poetry”
What is poetry?
Students thought about what poetry is to them. Check out some student poetry from their work with metaphor, and find Nikki Giovanni’s poem below!
¡Nuestro trabajo de esta semana es una metáfora!
Leímos el poema, “Poesía”, de Nikki Giovanni.
¿Qué es la poesía?
Los estudiantes pensaron sobre qué es la poesía desde su punto de vista. ¡Mira algunos poemas de estudiantes que exploran metáforas y abajo de esto encuentres el poema de Nikki Giovanni!
La Poesía
Poetry is a song.
Poetry is a motion.
La poesía es un movimiento.
La poesía es una canción.
Poetry is a story that you are telling.
Poetry is a life we create in our writing
Poetry is brainstorming in our mind
Poetry is a winter breeze
Poetry is a pair of shiny earrings
Poetry is a piece of candy
Poetry is a still painting
Poetry Makes Me Feel
Poetry makes me feel
as if I am on a roof,
the roof looks like
high, and air hitting me
and I am so happy, and I love
and I am calm.
Poetry is heart.
Poetry is song.
Poetry is movement.
Poetry is joy.
Poetry is medecine.
Poetry Is
Poetry is a roller coaster
Poetry is a calm, full space
Poetry is a nice place for me
Poetry is a seed growing in my mind
Poetry is a place where I can rest
Poesía Es
La poesía es imaginación.
La poesía es el pueblo.
La poesía es los sueños.
La poesía es media sonrisa.
La poesía es compartir con mi familia.
Poetry Poetry
Poetry is art.
Poetry is music.
Poetry is good.
Poetry is the World to Me
Poetry is the world to me
from writing metaphor to simile
even if it doesn’t make sense, it still be right
from writing to singing
it can still make your brain go ding-ding!
Poetry is a slam dunk
like how I think
before I dunk and get creative.
Poetry is the same thing,
think and then do it.
Poetry is a feast
because you have all of your poems to eat!
Cuando pienso en la poesía
La poesía es: mi perrito es muy bonito.
La poesía es: ¡A mí me encanta la música!
La poesía es metáfora.
La poesía es: ¡A mi tío le pica picante!
La poesía es una flor para otra flor.
Poetry is mindful because it’s surprising to me
To hear different poetry.
Poetry is graceful
Poetry is joyful
Poetry is mindful
Poetry is power
Poetry is energy
Un poema
La poesía es una manera de expresarte.
La poesía es una manera de cantar.
La poesía es una forma de valar.
La poesía es una manera de hablar.
La poesía es donde cantas con tus palabras.
Poetry Makes Me Feel Colorful
Poetry makes me feel colorful,
What is Poetry?
Poetry is a tree.
Poetry is peace,
or poetry is a person,
or poetry is a warm place,
or poetry is water for a soul, or
poetry is winter fire.
Poetry Is..
Poetry is mindfulness
a quiet room in your house
with your quiet friends
meditating, in your room:
Basketball is my poetry.