Poemas Sobre Música | Poems About Music

¡Estos son nuestros poemas sobre la música! 

¡Y pensamos que la voz también es un instrumento!

These are our poems about music! 

And we think the voice is an instrument too!


No Music


I don’t like music.


Poema Cantando Feliz o Aburrido


Cantando sin parar con morado mucho más.

Feliz o aburrido

igual voy a cantar.

En el parque quiero cantar, pero como es hora divertirse tengo que parar,

y cantar mañana.

ya es de mañana voy a cantar,

una buenas tardes, tengo que cantar.




When I sing, I sing rock.

When I dance, I dance Salsa.

I dance and sing with joy.

I will always dance solo and never with a boy.

When I use a violin it brings me joy.

When I hear music the room turns maroon.

I love singing, I love dancing.

And I especially love hearing music 


What I Think Of


When I sing I use my hands.

When I think about rap 

I think about red and black.

I use my guitar to play the beats.

That’s how I make my song.

This is what I think of music.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.