Play Those Syllables

For their twelfth week of after school poetry Hale Elementary 3-5th graders were inspired by music. On Tuesday we read the poem “Haiku” by DJ Renegade, where the poet describes jazz music as “Jazz is the way brown/ sugar would sound if it was/ sprinkled in your ear.” Students wrote haiku poems about their favorite type of music. Haiku is a short Japanese style poem with only three lines and  5/7/5 syllable pattern.

On Wednesday we read the poem “Beethoven’s Ninth,” by Irene Latham. She creates a Nonet poem about the famous composer and his final symphony. A Nonet is a nine line poem with only nine syllables, each line gets its own number of syllables. Students worked together in groups to create nonet poems. A few students were inspired by the Disney movie “Encanto,” which has a wonderful song soundtrack.

Please enjoy these musical poems below.



Ms. Degiulio’s After School
3rd-5th Grade


Pop Haiku
by Jayce L. 

Pop is the best songs.
It’s like no one is watching.
Pop makes me feel good.


Calm Music Haiku
by Alexcia S. 

I like calm music.
Ocean music is calming.
It makes me sleepy.


Rap Haiku
by Evan Q.

Rap music is good.
Rap music’s my favorite.
Rap music is cool.


Music Nonet
by Kasia B. and Karen D. 

I listen to music in the car.
I always dance in my car seat.
My mom is singing along.
My mom’s voice is very high.
I sing Pop music.
I like singing


Pop and Rap Music Nonet
by Jayce L. and Evan Q. 

Rap music is sometimes so violent.
Pop music is so good to me.
Rap music is everywhere.
Pop music is the best.
I love Rap music.
Pop is so nice.
Rap and Pop
are so


“Encanto” Nonet
By Ava F, Milania G, and Alexcia S.

Antonio talks to animals.
Delores can hear a pin drop.
Isabella makes flowers.
Abuela runs the show.
Camilo shape shifts.
You need a door.
is a






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.