Pink is Like a Thousand Flowers in the Spring –– Color Poems @ Darwin

This week the 2nd graders continued their poetic personification. Today’s poem: personify a color! Enjoy:

Ms. Palacios
2nd Grade

Silver’s Day
Sophia R.

Silver is nice and gray.
Silver is making everyone’s day.
Silver is nice to play.
Silver walks shining the day.
Silver is leading the way.


Joshua P.

Silver wakes up and goes to
McDonald’s and buys coffee
he says it’s good. Silver feels
smooth and relaxing when silver
is done he goes and says
I feel calm because since I
drank my coffee already
I am going to work, be smart
but oh no it is late for
school! Go to school take a
shower eat food and go to
bed and that’s why silver
is fun and cool because it does
not almost do nothing.


Meribeth H.

Gold is the ocean
Gold is the color of love
Gold is the color of school
Gold is the color dolphins
Gold is dancing in the wind
Gold is the color of hearts
Gold is the power of Superman

Ms. Garcia
2nd Grade

Maricarmen A.

Rojo como el amor y como tu corazon
Y el rosa es como miles de flores en la primavera
Y azul como el cielo en el verano
Y el morado como una mariposa
Y todos mis colores en una fiesta en el verano
Y comiendo frutas y cheetos y jugando

Maricarmen A.

Red like love and like your heart
And the pink is like a thousand flowers in the spring
And blue like the sky in the summer
And the purple like a butterfly
And all my colors at a party in the summer
And eating fruits and cheetos and playing


Jaxiry P.

Rojo tiene un corazon.
Rojo me hace sentir fuerte.
Rojo es parte del corazon.
Rojo me hace sentir muy bien de la pintura.
Rojo es de color de la sangre.
Rojo es color de una bolsa de regalo.

Jaxiry P.

Red has a heart.
Red makes me feel strong.
Red is part of the heart.
Red makes me feel great about the paint.
Red is the color of the blood.
Red is a color of a gift bag.

Aubrey B.

Blue–Blue, you’re very sad and calm
and relaxed you are honest and good
and very fast you’re friends with light
blue just like me, I am blue too
so what about me?



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.