Overcome the Hurt

The poets from Latino Youth High School watched a powerful performance from Chicago’s very own Mayda Del Valle. The poem “To All the Boys I Loved Before” was a testament of how to overcome the struggles of young womanhood. The poets used this poem as inspiration to write their poems of overcoming struggle. They structured their poems by first describing the “hurt” then detailing their method of dealing with the struggle.


Kim R.


Relationship was chill until it became a whole big riddle

Little by little

I felt belittled

It felt unreal it wasn’t ideal

I wanna wake and bake

And I wanna bake a cake

I wanna dance and shake


With you


I step on my brakes and come to terms with the real

Not everything is always ideal


Ashely L.



there are so many thoughts running through my head

y las palabras “tú tío ya falleció “salen de tu boca con una calma

we know he is now resting in peace after nearly a decade of fighting cancer

and it hits me i’m sinking into darkness not able to accept the fact that he is gone


nobody said it was easy

it was like having no lungs to breathe but being told to breathe

i never let go of the hand that guided me through the darkness

y me recuerdo de una voz que me dijo con una calma “todo va estar bien mi niña.“


Gio S.


Why? Why this happen? Wasn’t I enough?
Why? Why this happen? Wasn’t I enough?

I made you my world
A world of happiness and Joy
A safe haven for my peace.

As you destroy it, I will rebuild my world once again
A perfect world that you won’t be a part of
I will open myself like a blossom
And spread love to my surroundings

I will arise and begin a new cycle
A never-ending cycle is full of love and joy.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.