One that tries too much – Haiku

For our last session with Waters 7th graders before spring break, it felt fitting to explore the haiku. This traditional Japanese poetic form is often used to describe observations in nature, and often accompanied by drawings. Sonia Sanchez subverts the haiku with her poem 9 Haiku (for Freedom’s Sisters). Students wrote their own haiku series, many in honor of the people, places and animals they admire. Take a look below and enjoy!

by Anonymous

One that is quite strict
Has to know everything
Her very big brain

One that has no voice
No one to guide in the dark
Though the most loyal

One that tries too much
Promises to be loyal
A liar they are

One that is now dead
Former happiness they were
Why? I ask myself

One that stayed with me
Listens and listens, I trust
I trust, yes I do

by Theo R.

icl ngl omg
u trpng twin

great meme dihpression
yt shorts colonization
nahh WE all doing ts

the LTF meme
it’s still massive ong bru
WE all dragging ts meme

Legends never die
nahhh ts meme saving us
Please more memes bru

RIP John Pork
we ALL hate Tim Cheese
Marvin beak saving us ong

Lebron our king
WE all pray to you
you are our king

We are young
ts meme so goated ong
Jst gimme a millennial burger

by Milo M. 

mother a beauty
the mother who gave me birth
i thank my mother

father my hero
a knight who shines golden bright
led me to greatness

my great dogs 2 sized
one big one small, beautiful
i love my cute dogs

my house
house, nice great and tall
a wonder of bricks to live
it’s happy to be

art is my lifeline
love for the arts keep alive
stay with me for all



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.