More “Swan of Bees” Part 2

When we worked on thinking out-of-the-box and “Swan of Bees” poems a few weeks ago, I was so impressed by how students worked that it was difficult to choose only a few poems to publish… I decide to publish s few more! Enjoy!

Ms. Urquiza
2nd Grade

Someday I hope to see
by Breanna V.

Someday I hope to see
A cheetah eating a cheeto
An owl flying in water
A fish swimming in chococlate
A chair sleeping in bread
A chicken eating chicken nuggets
A school on top of a house
My family sleeping in a book
A bookrack eating a school

Daila A.

el chocolate hablan
los perros hablan
los osos hablan
los gatos hablan
los lobos hablan
las arboles hablan
los guitos hablan
los conejos hablan

Avril B.

Someday I hope to see
a shark dancing with a
unicorn by the water
there are rainbow colors
and a lot of plants
it smells like butterflies and my
family is there and there
was a lot of pink

Ms. Pendola
2nd Grade

Alyssa Z.

A cat flying a helicopter
A house in mid-air
A plushy filled with ice cream
A cloud with cookies
Zombies eating ice cream
A rainbow in the shape of a heart
Potatoes with a face
An umbrella with a cat on top
A butterfly holding a cat
A butterfly holding a dog

Someday I hope to see
by KeAndre W.

Someday I hope to see
a ribbon of stripes
a love of dreams
a dog using a car
a fish dancing
a cat doing “the gritty” with cool moves
a cat eating a closet full of clothes
an apple eating an apple
a cat that has 10 finger
a crayon eating pizza

Minnah S.

I wish I had a toy of ice cream
I wish I had chocolate fruit
I hope to see a banana car
and a water bottle of a backpack
I wish I had a pizza couch
and a cloud made of cotton candy
and a hat full of roses, a cream bowl of rice
I wish I had a pen of chips
I hope to see a sharpener of fries

Ms. Herlo
3rd Grade


A fire drill that screams horror
A sharpener made of paper
Desks made of foil
bins made of marshmallow
fries growing on trees
colors made of rain
blue mixed with a missing color
happiness from the rain
water floating in the air

What I want to see
by Moyo F.

I want to see a rose full of Ms. Herlo’s prettiness
I want to see a white board made of rice and pepper soup
I want to see a heart full of love
I want to see a cat full of fierceness
I want to see a unicorn made of love
I want to see a doll made of chocolate cuteness
I want to see a puppy made of iced tea and playfulness


A necklace of ears
A castle of brownies
A storm that rains brains
A cake of paper
A burning ice pack
A marker of air
A world of candy
A human robot
A world with aliens
A poem



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.