Monster Masterpieces

Last week, Hale’s summer program students dabbled in the world of fantasy with their writing. Our 3-6th graders first spent time creating their own monsters with interesting back stories to match. Some of our creatures were based on monsters we already knew, while others were completely original creations. After drawing images of their monsters, students then brought their characters to life with poems. Some of our students also got to write silly found poems together. Check out some of our scary (and funny) poems below.

Soul Monster

by Ariana 

I’m the soul monster!

I’m as hated as the chancla

As scary as death. Scarier than when your mom goes through your phone.

BANG! You hear downstairs

You look and see that one thing

your grandma gave you before

she passed on the floor

I’m the monster that lives in your closet!

Chocolate Monster

by Ayah

I am a chocolate monster

I chase kids

I put them in my chocolate

I look like an egg

I say “Rooooor!”

And if you eat too much chocolate

I will get you


Found Poem

by Huy

Yes, because I like spaghetti-Os.

I would say “do your work and pay attention in class more.”

Don’t be ashamed of your hair.

Move on from him, he’s not worth it!

What is your real name?

I want to know it.

#5 She like you, do it.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.