Love Poems -______-

This week the young viking writers were eager to try their hand at love poems–a topic they have been excited to write for weeks. They read and thoroughly enjoyed Matthew Olzmann’s “Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem” and Kim Addonizo’s “My Heart.” They were then asked to write a love poem to a person or place using the two poems as models. I am so proud of these young writers.

“My Heart” by Ayden S.

My dad is in my heart forever or I don’t know.
My sisters were in my heart for a while.

My old house is lost in my heart.

My grandma is forever in my heart.

My grandpa is dead in my heart.

My friends are in and out of my heart.

My money chases my heart.

My nostalgia is reminiscing in my heart.

God will forever be in my heart.

Kindness will fade in and out of my heart.

All of these people and emotions were in my heart

at one point or forever will be.

Something falls out of love so they fall out of my heart.








“Love is Love” by Conor M.

Love can be mean

Love can be Irish

Spring green green

Love is lost

among our generation.

It might be time

to start a new nation

world war three

burn the world to the ground.

The globe in my hand

like a pitcher on the mound.

Once everything’s gone,

we then start anew,

atop billions of dead bodies

cherry blossoms start to bloom.








“A Friend of Fur” by Louie B.

On any given day.

On any given hour.

In any given place

you are the 1st thing I see

when I turn on my phone.
When I feel like the world can’t

get any worse, yet it seems like

it does, you are there.

Your presents makes the world feel normal.

When I pet you, I don’t just feel calm. I feel at peace.

Your puts put away my melancholy.








“Perfect” by Jonathan R.

Walking you home in the 10 degree weather

freezing, shivering, but I didn’t care.

The touch of your skin made me feel warm

making the breeze feel weaker and weaker.

You yell when your order is wrong.

You laugh at anything I say.

You’re addicted to the color pink

but listen to music about violence

and guns. Because you do everything

for me, you give me free therapy sessions

and when you’re mad: it’s like sniffing

through a garden of flowers.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.