Living on the Verge

One could argue that we’re always living in the midst of change. It’s true now and it was definitely true a quarter century (!!) ago, when we were on the verge of a new millenium! 6th graders at Waters learned a bit about the Y2K craze before reading Naomi Shihab Nye’s “Last August Hours Before the Year 2000.” We talked about what it means to feel like we’re living on the edge of something, then students considered the transitional stages they’ve experienced in life, and those they have yet to experience. Take a look at the lovely poems that have resulted from last week’s class!

Ms. Smallwood’s 6th Grade Class

First time at sleepaway camp
by Theda S.

Hour long ride.
Burgers and fries on the way
Stomach pains of fear
Going to the read for camp
Carrying my bags inside
They’re trying to weigh me down
Pulling as hard as me dragging them on cement
A smell of fresh flowers lures me inside the campgrounds
I walk searching for my friends
I see them

Joining Chicago City YFC
by Theo R.

As I step up to the pitch, I feel scared and don’t know
how they will think of me.
I walk up to the coach, and he greets me with “hero’s 
His smile like the sun, he leads me over to a group of
kids doing a complex drill.
They greet me with large smiles saying “welcome Ronaldo”
referencing my shirt.
As I laugh with them, they talk about their games, and how 
they play.
One week later I step on the pitch for my first
game. My heart pimps in my chest like a machine,
and as the whistle blows I sprint to the ball, swiftly
steering it and running. After the game I get
complimented on my speed.
Fast forward 6 months and I’ve learned so much,
and ranked up to a better team.
I am W Rizz bro!

by Avery H.

My dad was showing the house to a family while I
had to wait outside because it would be horrible if
I were to ruin the process for them. “It’s the perfect
house for our family, as if it were made just for
us!” they exclaimed after their kids rummaged 
through my bedroom. It was then that I realized
how real this was and how I could never call this
house a home again, it was just the house my parents
worked on for years, just the house I shared all my
memories in. Just a house, not a home. 


by Novak Z.

When we got to Covid
people thought that we would
DIE. But instead of going
outside we had TikTok
and chapter 2 season two of
But in the future when
I get a kid I will
say all the terrible stuff
Like having to have a mask
to buy another mask
But I was tough indeed, the

Ms. Hooper’s 6th Grade Class

Peace out.
by Lela S.

Tick, tick, tick, tick as I watched
the hands on the clock strike
3:15 I was thinking of all
the soft warm memories, then
I remembered the time my teacher
yelled at me and went crazy.
Oh how much I would miss
these people. Ah, who am I kidding
See you suckers later!!! As I 
walked out of my room my
excitedness drained as I realized I
had to be back here next year.


The Year Covid Started (2020)
by Charlie H.

I just moved to Waters
in 3rd grade
The year Covid started, lucky me

I stayed home all day
very boring
It was good that I didn’t have to
go to school

had my first all nighter with my
old friends.
This was a good year. 

by Julia C. 

I can’t wait to see the leaves falling.
To see the classic font say Heartstopper.
To see how it is like the books.
To see the romance, the love
The joy of watching my friends again.

    October 3rd 5 months
    I can’t wait that long!!!

Final moments before the Asteroid
by Simon A. 

That year, it was my final years in high 
school – 2029. Recently, one of my friends got
arrested. I didn’t know where to go
for college.

The world was split. Some people thought
the world would end, as the Mesopotamian 
calendar prophesized. The other people thought
it was another hoax, like Y2K and 2012.

The world was unprepared for hat would 
happen next…


Mr. D’s 6th Grade Class

On the Verge of WW3
Niko W.

From Putin to Biden horrible things
are near if Romania
joins the fight NATO joins
the fight then nukes
start flying and horrible
things occur. Kids, men, women,
and innocents all die.

Last day of Summer 
by Abbie L.

I remember
The draining sun,
grass satined knees,
and scraping together change for Starbucks.
Helicopter pods flying down from the sky.
With just a gentle wind, as of draining daisies. 



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.