Little Works of Art

Hello again, readers. Kozminski’s 4th and 5th graders jumped into our lesson this week with their artistic skills shining. We borrowed fellow Poet-In-Residence Joy Young’s lesson on art-inspired poetry, also known as ekphrastic poetry. Students read The Barbershop by Elijah G. and read-along to Derrick Barne’s Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut to get a feel for creating a scene in poetry. After reading, students spent some time drawing scenes of their own. After the artistic session, students wrote poems based on their images. Check out some of my favorites below:

4th Grade


Beach Trip

by Tariq L.

The beach is hot and sunny with coconut trees
The fresh wind blows in my nose

And the water is just right

And the sun is bright and hot
The lifeguard looking if any one in trouble on his high seat

The sand made my feet burn

The clouds was white as it should be

And the picnic basket was full of snacks and food


Home Life

by De’Kirra P.

The great sleep

The warm bed
The irritating chores
The annoying 3 dogs

The water running
The tasty food

The loud crying
The acting like I’m a maid

5th Grade


by Juelze C. 

Playing outside is a blessing

Me and my brother playing football we like it so much we basically in heaven

The smell of the food on the grill as we throw the ball

This time around it is fall

The leaves fall down the tree

Moms say “IT’S TIME TO EAT.

We go and it’s warm and safe and mom fixes all of us a nice plate.

The Day I Met The Barb Nicki Minaj 

by Chloe R. 

The day i met Nicki Minaj.
It was loud it was people.

And me in my backyard.

Listening to do we have a problem by Nicki Minaj.

I looked up and I thought I was dreaming.

But no I wasn’t.


And then all I remember is me getting lit with Nicki

best time of the year.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.