Like you… 7th Grade

What are some things that make you feel connected to the rest of humanity? That’s the question we started with this week, before reading Roque Dalton’s like you. Students worked on pieces, where their explored the commonalities and differences they shared with their families, communities and the world at large. I was so moved by the level of refelction in these pieces. I hope you enjoy them!


Jaylah B. 

Like you I love love

seeing people in love and 

when the leaves start 

falling and you know it’s fall,

I love receiving flowers

and I believe God communicates 

with me by sending me signs

I love the taste of iced coffee in 

the mornings. 

I love sitting at the beach

to collect my thoughts and 

I love laughing till

I can’t breathe. 

I love listening to 

music that I can feel in my 


And I love when little 

things remind me of special 


My Likeings

Christian R. 

I like many things




And even electric devices

I believe in freedom of religion

and freedom of speech 

I like nature

The wind blowing across the land

The animals lurking in the shadows

Fish swimming in the shallow lake

But in the end

not everyone can like everything. 

Like Me


Like me 

you believe in God

and aliens

Like me you probably love 


wars are not what we need

what we need is a cure for cancer

like me you just want to be free

like me you can’t see why racism is alive

Like me you’re fast so you pass the flash

Like  me you’re a nerd and

know all kids of birds



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.