Jealous clouds, guitars, and more

In our recent sessions, Swift 2nd graders were counting down the hours before spring break began! We read “Ode to My Shoes” by Francisco X. Alarcón, and talked about giving non-human things – like chairs and trees – human feelings and capabilities. Students then wrote poems using personification.

Ms. Pendola
2nd Grade


the pencil dances
my earrings jump on the table
the marker sings with
exhaustion on
the whiteboard.

Ms. Brist
2nd Grade


la mesa estaba corriendo
que parara y paro fero cuando me
expreso a correr otra vez y un dia estaba
corriendo pero se paraliza y la usamos
para comer hasta que se fiebre
y un dia se cebro y estaba celosa porque
compranas otra mesa

Guitar jumping on the bed
by She’Ana

I am a guitar
I’ve been locked in She’Ana’s bedroom
for a year and I feel sad
and weird and jealous.
while I am broken
the piano is jumping on the bed
with She’Ana now.


The rainbow eats
fruit salad every day.
the rainbow comes when
it is raining and when
the sun comes.

When the color gets low
the rainbow eats 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 banana,
1 pear, 200 blueberries, and 900 grapes.
the rainbow is happy because he
has color and the clouds are
jealous since they do not have color!


My water bottle gets jealous
and mad
because I don’t take it to school. And
because I drink water from the fountain.
Also it is jealous because I jump in
water puddles.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.