I‘ve got the BLUES

This lesson, written by Leslie Reese, incorporates America’s original Black music; the Blues. Poets wrote about their personal problems while injecting a Blues chorus into their poems.



Room 315


Boney Bones Jackson

 Jayson G.


Boney has the blues

Boney has the blues

I woke up this fine morning then went

outside and played in snow

Boney has the blues

Boney has the blues

I fell in a mountain of snow

I thought I was dead

Boney has the blues
Boney has the blues

I dug my way out

My hands are frozen

Boney has the blues

Boney has the blue


Fat harp lee

Arichely M.


I see everything but no one sees my blues. Am sick of the same old story. I observe around me. But am sick of the old story. Wind pass feeling the cold breeze. Am so sick of the same old stories. People ignore me like a wall. I see everything but no one sees my blues. Like wind and dust. Here and there.


Room 306


Curly Bones jones 

Karianey G.


I went to the store but it was closed I got irritated, I hate when I don’t get my way,

I love the sunning bloom, I love the smell of the nice beautiful roses,

I love the scented ocean when air strikes, the bloom of the roses is amazing.


Fat Money Rivers

Alondra H.


Family problems get me down

These days the blues just seem to follow me around

Oh I get the blues

These days the blues just seem to follow me around

Covid on the streets

Oh I get the blues

These days the blues just seem to follow me around


Jailhouse Bones Lee

Michael M.


Excited to make my very first account. THIS USERNAME IS ALREADY TAKEN. It says on the screen. All that time thinking of a good account Username gone.

Oh baby I got the Blues

Happy to go to the pool in my backyard on a hot summer day. Rain comes in and takes it all away.

Oh baby I got the Blues

Hoping our team would win the game. Losing by a run and they lost the game.

Oh baby I got the Blues

Playing Minecraft running around trying to protect the village. Making a mistake and not running back when I couldn’t handle it and DIED.

Oh baby I got the Blues


I was going to say something really funny. Then I forget that funny thing I was about to say.

Oh baby I got the Blues

Was going to watch my favorite series the internet went out and now were stuck.

Watching a youtube video phone dies when I was going to watch the youtuders new video.

Oh baby I got the Blues

I was feeling tired as ever. When I went to bed I was not able to sleep.

Oh baby I got the Blues

Talking to my friends. When I moved my arm to fast and didn’t see where I hit it so hard.

Oh baby I got the Blues

Doing homework lots and lots so much I needed I break. As I was going to save I made a mistake and didn’t save…

Oh baby I got the Blues


Fat Back Tompkins

Adriana N.


Every day I have the Blues when I have to do chores.

Every day I have the blues when I have to get all the fault of something.

Every day I have the blues when I get sick.

Every day I have the Blues when I have to cook.

Every day I have the blues when I have to clean up my room.

Boney Lips Jefferson

Jose R.


i dropped my ice cream at the start of the day i went to a restaurant ask for some chocolate milk now that was a mistake i got normal milk but i don’t complain i finished my favorite show but i didn’t want to finish it just yet i broke my favorite coat i saw my unlucky number, number 4 and i was right it isn’t lucky not at all. Then i had a nosebleed. i drop my water now it was a waste. i went home to clear my mind play some games relax played a bit a minecraft that day but my minecraft dog died so i went in my room and had a mental break down break down and i remembered i had homework and i’m so screwed.

Bunny Bad Boy Bradley

Jessica S.


An injured heart and a broken dream.

I tried to bring it back but it’s fallen completely apart.

Put on a mask and lets us have one last chat.

Forgive my truthful lies.

Without emotion…without devotion,

It’s much easier to fake something happy.

Put on a mask and let’s have one last chat.

Hiding from the truth, well it’s nothing new.

I can see right through.

I am a liar too and I don’t know what’s the truth and there’s nothing else to do.


Room 302


curly eyes lee

Kevin M. 


whoa people don’t care what i say

breaking my headphones

whoa people don’t care what i say

seeing people struggle

whoa people don’t care what i say

i’m getting ignored

whoa people don’t care what i say

seeing a bunch of animals

whoa people don’t care what i say

family passing away

people don’t care what i say

failing on something

whoa people don’t care what i say

having old memories

whoa people don’t care what i say

my food falling

whoa people don’t care what i say

having a bad haircut




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.