I Wish

Students wrote poems displaying their wishes.

Mr. Aguirre’s class

third grade

I Wish

By Nathalie

I wish my birthday come

I wish go vacations

I wish not to go to school

I wish to go to toy store every day

I wish buy everything a want.

I wish a couple by in water park

I wish to fly

I wish go to vacations

I wish see a Youtube in real live

I wish got good grades.


I Wish

By Oscar J.

I wish to be a professional soccer player

I was my family is always with me

I wish to be never be lost

I wish to see my family every day

I wish to never be alone

I wish I spent Valentine alone

I wish to be an artist

I was to Santa to always give gifts

I wish to learn a lot

I wish to get get good grades


Mrs. O’Claire’s class

third grade


My 10 Wish List

By Javier

I wish for Legos every day.

I wish for gummies every night.

I wish for a gaming chair.

I wish for an Xbox.

I wish for a headset.

I wish for a baby Graff.

I wish for a Pumakes

I wish for Narto Stikers.

I wish for a milkshake every day.

I wish for a touch computer.


The Wish that I Hope Will Come True

By Ashanti

I wish I could meet a real life koala.

I wish that my sister never moved out.

I wish I had my hair curly.

I wish that I had a thousand of stikers.

I wish that I have pink hair just like my doll.

I wish that I had to eat pizza every day.

I wish eat a Kinoer joy.

I wish my mom would play with me.

I wish I had a room.

I wish I had new shoes.


Ms. Sauer & Ms. Yanez’s class

third grade



By Cesar

Yo quiero un perico

I want carrera

I want dog

I want swim.


I Wishes

By Maritza T.

I wish I can have more homework

I wish I can have more Pop It

I wish I can have a dog

I wish I can have a bird

I wish I can have more book

I wish I can have a computer

I wish I can have a monkey

I wish I can have a sleepover

I wish I can have a fish

I wish I can have a dog.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.