The first two weeks at Hale Elementary, our young poets were introduced to the concept of poetic line and stanza. Before we begin reading a poem we each shout out how many lines and stanzas we can count! On our third week of poetry club, we dived even further into craft of poems and explored the idea of imagery, or how we can write in a way that utilizes the five senses. Using our smell, sight, touch, taste, and sound, the poets created serene and calming nature poems.
Flower Petals
by Milania
4th grade
I can smell the sweet summer flowers
I can touch the smooth summer petals
I can hear the wind swishing
and swooshing
I see the flower petals flying
through the air
by Ava F.
4th grade
I hear the birds chirping
as I sip my coffee.
I feel the wind pushing
my hair back.
I see the sun hitting the lake.
I smell the flowers
hitting my nose.
by Olivia
4th grade
I see the waves
moving in sync
I feel the afternoon
sun by my side
my shoulders
I see the sun set in the horizon
I feel the sand
between my toes
and I love
the scent of the
salt water
in the ocean