I Dream Poems – Yo Sueno @Darwin Winter 2020

During the fourth week of the Chicago Poetry Center residency at Darwin Elementary 3rd graders were encouraged to remember and imagine scenes and out of the ordinary ideas to create I dream poems.

Ms. Tasior

3rd Grade



Yo Sueñ0 

Evelyn H. 


Yo sueño ser una maestra.

Yo sueño ser un zombie.

Yo sueño tener 50 carros.

Yo sueño ser Dios.

Yo sueño que mi tia regrese.

Yo sueño no tener tarea.

Yo sueño tener un unicornio.

Yo sueño ser muñequita.

Yo sueño ser rica en roblox.

Yo sueño tener mi pelo rojo.

Yo sueño tener aretes.


Yo Sueñ0

Angelly R. 


Yo sueño ser grande.

Yo sueño ser poderoza.

Yo sueño de ir a Hawaii.

Yo sueño de los caballos.

Yo sueño de que tengo un unicornio.


Ms. Tasior

3rd Grade



I Dream

Miguel B. 


I dream that I have 2 cars.

I dream that the world was gold.

I dream that I was a snack.

I dream I had a lot of money.

I dream I had a big brother.


I Dream!

Cemi C. 


I dream I had a home.

I dream of ice cream.

I dream I have 100 dogs.

I dream that I ruled the world.

I dream that I was the queen.

I dream of infinity bucks.

I dream of having 100 bags of Takis.

I dream of being a teacher.

I dream that I am a dog.

I dream I was a snack.

I dream I am a fish.

I dream I am a cat.

I dream I was a cloud.

I dream I have a lot of animals.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.