I Come From

Week two at Dever Elementary was a reflective week of thinking about origins and the things that shape our own identities. Students did a great job of adding their own spin on the classic “I Come From” line starter poem. In class we also explored the use of line in poetry and how it is used as a creative tool.


Ms. Carteno

I come from

Ariana B.

I come from seeing family members I haven’t seen in a while

I come from eating my grandma’s rice

I come from my grandmas house of love

I come from a house of success and trust I come from a body that doesnt show my true story

I come from a mindset that isn’t confidence

I com from a body that lost its confidence

I come from 2 divorced parents

I come from the confidence and love of my sister

I come from a family who loves me a lot

I come from a family who would do anything for me

I come from my grandma who makes my favorite mole


My Poem

Raygan O.

I come from memories I come from my Dad and the love for art we share

I come from paint and pencil

I come from canvas and creation


I come from my mom and the time we spent

I come from hours of fun

I come from laughs

I come from movies and home

I come from my brother and our love for video games.


I come from joy and wonder

I come from struggle and frustration

I come from admiration


I come from food

I come from happiness

I come from comfort and relaxation

I come from love.


I come from

Sophia T.

having a positive spiritual heart mind


I come from my dads crunchy fried chicken

I come from eating crunchy pizza

I come from the smell of light vanilla


I come from short goofy hair

I come from the small of fancy perfume

I come from a color that can be dark light

I come from dirty white shoes

I come from the sweet taste of yummy cheesecake

I come from glitter mascara and liner lipgloss

I come from an adventurous mind


I come from

Lena P.

I come from experiences

I come from people

I come from my mind and body


I come from my loving family

people who inspire me

I come from my amazing friends

people who make me smile


I come from happiness, happiness from my moms homemade soups

They remind me of my cozy home

I come from spending time with my family

They remind me of how important they are to me


I come from experiences

I come from people

I come from my mind and body


I come from

Angelica G.

I come from the seas,

what I feel and what I see,

never giving up.


I come from soul,

the spirit I control,

leaves the love in me

letting out the dark words and spirit.


I come from my friends,

the love all of us give,

confident our lives and boosts

always sharing the heard we get.


I come from waves,

the peaceful noise,

calming everything down,

living our life




Ms. Sherfinski 

Where I come from…

Dashiah A.

I come from memories of jumping, skipping, running in a wide field with family and friends

I come from the hard working spirit of my mother

I come from the cup of noodles at my dads house

I come from the memories of the senses I was born and raised with

I come from the Mexican tamales and empanadas to Puerto Rican rice and Indian tacos

I come from the loving ghosts of my family

I come from long car rides with my family to Wisconsin.


I come from

Diego N.

I come from memories of my 10th birthday

I come from

Chicago where I stay

my bed where my demons stay under

I come from experiences

going to camp were I spent 2 weeks living

I also went to bed to cry

I come from birthdays with family

my family comes from Mexico this is were my mom side lives



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.