I Am Poems…brillo como el sol

This week  Mr. Reinholdt’s 7th grade class wrapped up writing their “I Am” poems inspired by Nikki Giovanni’s Ego Trippin’. We also took some time to look over the poems that have been published so far, and did a mini-workshop discussion. We talked about how looking at other people’s poems can us to become better writers. By looking at a writer’s choices, ideas, structure and their use of language, we can also become more deliberate about how we approach and write our own pieces. For now, enjoy this week’s poems! 

Sofia G. 


If you knew me

you would know that

I love summer

sunsets, beaches  

being outside and 

feeling alive

if you knew me

You would know

how much I hate

being alone

if you knew me

You would know

how I loved

the color blue.

if you knew me

you would know

how much

I love my family

and friends

if you knew me

you would know

how much I love


but that’s

only if you

knew me.



soy rapido como el puma, soy fuerte

como el leon, soy serio como un gato, 

divertido como un perro, me gusta el 

futbol como la carne los tiburones

brillo como el sol, jugando en el 

verano, como messi, y sus perros

soy alto como la jirafa, me gusta 

el verano por el calor, y el agua 

como un nadador



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.