“How can you tell a name is yours? / You hold it tight”

This week in class we read “Everyone who happens to live where” by Kimberly Alidio. We talked about our names, what they meant in the past and what they might mean in the future. Student’s brainstormed names that are important to them and in their writing explored their family history and relationships. Please enjoy a selection of their work!

Ms. Smallwood
6th Grade 

My Name

Loretta J.

How can you tell a name is yours?

You hold it tight on the flight

And it’s from

years and years ago

They fly by like feathers

Retta was once a name

but now is forever lost

lost in time

lost in water

will never see again

Once was there but now it’s not

How can you tell a name is yours?

You hope you will forever see it again

The birds flying with the plane.

El Nombre


Pues hay muchas personas con nombres como el mío Nicolas, en el mundo

diría millones pero de le que estoy seguro es de que

todos los personas tienen algo en común, hay muchas personas

différentes y iguales

My name

Amneh S.

My name is Amneh my grandpa named

me he loves the name Amneh so much he named

me after his daughter, my aunt. I never

thought anything of it til my grandma told me

I was the only one named after someone in the family

I grew up and searched up what my name

meant my eyes widened up as I was

reading my name was the last prophet Mohammed’s

mom’s name and from then on I decided

to name my future son Mohammed. I feel like

my family will love it and my future son will love it too

when he’s old enough to understand

Ms. Hernandez 

7th Grade


Kevin S.

That’s how people say my name

some people in my family have

simplified it using words

like Sabel. It is important

to spread where I’m from

my last name carries

memories both bad and

fun. It carries german

history English translation

of bird’s beak why this

word it will always be

a mystery. And if you

ask me I am proud so when you say

“That’s your name???”

I will say yes, confident and proud


Kiera W.

A name is not just a word

There are many names out there

Some may be familiar to you or not

They range from simple to extreme

All having different backgrounds

Some sentimental from a family member

But also from names of gas stations

A name is not just a word

It’s a personality

That sparks a thought when hearing

Some good, some bad

but each name holds joyful to not so

joyful memories

A name is not just a word

Kirasmatica Amable Maravilla Increible Agradable

Kamila V.

Kamila es un lugar que vas a estallar armeria que

late en mi sinceridad, mariposas que brillan al volar

imagenes que pegan al pensar lluvia cae en mis

almoadas que mueren en mi estar



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.