Haiku Karaoke

This was my 5th and final week at the O-School, where I had back-to-back days (Tuesday/Wednesday) to finish our summer residency. Since, the Terrapins and the Dreamers students love music, I decided on Tuesday that we should have a Haiku Karaoke. Karaoke involves people singing lyrics to their favorite songs in front of an audience. A haiku is a short Japanese poem that only has three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third. Usually, haikus are about nature, but poets like to experiment with different themes for haikus.

Together we read the poem “Haiku,” by DJ Renegade. The poet described how he feels about Jazz. Jazz is the way/ brown sugar would sound if it was/ sprinkled in your ear. One Terrapin student thought instead of sugar, jazz felt like rich, satisfying chocolate to their ears. Other students thought it was boring. But that’s ok, everyone has their own unique taste in music. For our brainstorm, we listened to a playlist I created, and I also took song requests. We were jamming to Hip-Hop, Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Country, and Pop. One Terrapin student got up to dance showing off her best moves, while one of the Dreamers serenaded the class with my blue microphone.

Below are poems and artwork inspired by our Haiku Karaoke session. Be on the lookout readers for another blog post soon this week, about what happened on Wednesday, our final day.

The Terrapins

I Listen to Things

 I listen to things
They are called music and sounds
And I am done, now bow.

I Play A Game Song

I play a game song
It gives me nostalgia, and
I very much like it.

The Dreamers

Sheesh Pt. 2

Pop makes me happy
Classical makes me calm.
Jazz makes me sad.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.