For our 6th remote session together, we had a poetry reading and 5th graders at Avondale-Logandale school shared poems and songs that they have been creating since November. Listening to so many expressions of creativity allowed us to laugh, finger-snap, offer support, and share applause and thumbs-ups with each other. Since it was our last session before breaking for the winter holidays, students collaborated on the following “Goodbye [2020] Hello [2021] Poems.” Cheers!!!🎈🎈
5th Grade
Room 204
Goodbye to 2020!
We want to say goodbye to covid
We want to say goodbye to masks and
Hand sanitizer because it is very sticky and gross
Still, it takes out the germs, and some smells good
Goodbye to 2020!
We want to say goodbye to remote learning
And having to stare at a computer all day
We miss talking and playing with our friends
And passing notes in class
Time to say goodbye
To 2020 – the worst year in history!
We wanted to say hello to
Accomplishments in 2021
Like: getting to learn gymnastics
And performing in a piano recital – things we didn’t get to do last year
Hello to a new start!
Hello to….
Some say:
“Every new beginning comes from other new beginnings’ end”
Grade 5
Room 206
Goodbye 2020!
You’ve been bad
You’ve made Australian wild fires
You made us go in quarantine and
miss school for a really long time
You made people fight over toilet paper!
Hello 2021!
We hope covid will be gone
We hope you’ll be better than 2020
We hope to return to school
We hope to not have to wear masks the whole year
We hope to have a normal life and
Toilet paper won’t be expensive!
Goodbye 2020!
You made us miss school and friends
Hanging out with the boys
Hanging out with my girls
You made us miss friends and family!
You’ve been hard on us
You made us stare at our computers for seven hours
Enough is Enough!
But the bright spots have been:
Some people are starting to be nicer to each other and
helping out their communities and
A vaccine for covid was created