Getting Surprise into the Equation

Students worked on comparisons, capturing resemblances both inside and outside the classroom and drew how they felt about object relationships.

Ms. Hernandez, 7th grade 1st Period

Randomly? by Enrique P.

A Chromebook is great

A beverage is too,

Erasure erases mistakes,

Death erases, well who knows…

Untitled by Manuel R.

A Playstation is as tall as a folder,

when you open them, you get surprises.

This school is as big as a neighborhood,

and full of people.

Peeps and Trees by Jamirayah L.

Peeps and trees

have so many different

colors. They look

so pretty and smell

so sweet.

Untitled by Natalia G.

Pop its and bubbles

both disappear at the slightest touch.

Ms. Hernandez, 7th grade, 2nd period

Poem by Emanuel R. and Samuel V.

Fortnite is the controller of gamers

It’s the door to life, the life out

there has trees, grass, and people,

all that changes by the time of the clock.

Books by Anonymous

Books are

like a storage locker of

a story, and can tell one like

an image.

Empty Lies the Sky

by Chika O.

With each “tick” of a clock

so moves the sun.

Time never stops

Neither does the sun.

The closed door makes me uneasy

As does the stranger

The way he sits on the park bench is frightening

Both hide secrets you’ll never know.

As I open the door, I see a whiteboard.

Its expression is blank.

It matches the empty blue sky where the sun and the stranger meet.



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.