Fourth Grade’s Favorite Furry Friends!

For our second session at Smyser, we started the day with a warm-up game where we introduced ourselves with an alliterative adjective to go along with our names. I was “Energetic Em!” The students came up with some really great examples, including, “Infitinite Inas”! Then when we were nice and warmed up we read the poem “Tecolote” by Jose Hernandez Diaz. We found so much in this poem; not only favorite words but also favorite animals. We practiced using descriptive language and everyone had alliteration on the brain after our activity. The students also noticed the bilingual nature of Diaz’s poem and wanted to incorporate multiple languages into their work too. See for yourself how well these poems turned out!


Ms. Erzrumly’s 4th Grade: 


by Nathaniel M.

gatos lindos
por la mañana
cute cats
in the morning

gatos peludos
se siente

como seda
furry cats
feels like silk


By Nickolas W.

creative cheetah
finding new ways to get its prey
sneaking right behind them to get in their way

caring cheetah
protecting their cubs from predator


The Jagged Jaguar
By Raven G.

The jagged jaguar went gym
and got jacked then he went
to Jewel and he was in Japan
and ate              Jimmy Johns and
he was Jazzy.


By Maya P.

The slow sloth going up the tree
The super sloth
The silenced sloth
Sloth in Polish is Lenistwo


By Emma T.

dreaming dog
dog running
dog playing



By Vivian G.

the Jaguar with jewels
it has a little drool
jaguar music jazzy
a little sleepy too.


Dog Poem
By Naomi J.

How wonderful dogs are
they are like shooting stars
No matter how bad they are
dogs are calm like the waves

dogs are deep in love with other dogs

because they are loyal
and nice oh yes they are.

Ms Edward’s 4th Grade 


By Nicole

My mom used to call me
“Królik” which meant bunny

She called me a bunny
cuz’ I used to hop around
No joke, no joke

You should believe me
cuz’ she took pictures
Królik królik

My mom’s words marked:
“cute bunny
Fast Jumping
Sleeping in grass
Being itself
Nobody said no,
to a bunny like you”

A bow here
and a bow there

There is so
many bows to
place, on this
furry bun

There is
not a cuter
bunny then
this one.


By Jaylani

Guepardo Jugetón como yo,
guepardo Rapido como yo,

Guepardo espeluzante como yo,
Guepardo caza en el Jungla pero
yo no,

El Guepardo tiene muchas differencias
I muchas cosas que son igudes

(Playful Cheetah like me,
Cheetah Fast like me,

Creepy cheetah like me,
Cheetah hunts in the jungle but
I don’t,

The Cheetah has many differences
I many things that are same)



By Anonymous 

1 dog bug my dog hates bugs
2 dog blog my dog loves to blog with me
3 dog fog my dog loves fog
4 dog log my dog hates log
5 dog talk my dog loves to talk with me
6 dog walk my dog loves going on walks
7 dog drop my dog hates drops on his nose
8 dog chalk my dog likes to eat chalk
9 dog jog my dog chases me when I jog


By Annalise

Slow Sloth
Creek! in the tree

Snoozing Sloth
Sleeping on the tree branch

Playful sloth
Playing across the trees

That’s what you do



The Perito
By Malillany

Crazy lazy perito and
happy, sclosa

make my day
make it yay



By Tara

A cute cat is a playful cat
A playful cat is a fateful cat
A kind cat is a mindful cat
A fluffy cat is a puffy cat

I love cats cats love you
who else does I do too


By Nahla

A river cooter turtle is as green as grass
wherever you see them they will make a splash!






“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.