Emotion Machines

If your sadness was a machine how would it work? This week we started off by exploring Ada Limon’s poem “The Quiet Machine”. In it Limon uses the structure of a prose poem to explain all the different ways that she experiences being quiet. After reading, students chose an emotion they wanted to explore, and then brainstormed about how it feels, where they feel that emotion or state of being, and activities or people that make them feel that way. Angry, excited, nervous, sad… all of these emotion machines work in different ways! Enjoy this week’s poems. 

Ms Caplans’s Class- 6th Grade



I am learning so many different ways to be excited. There’s one at school where I can see Mando. Also, one at my tia’s house at a gathering and party where the whole family just hangs out. Getting to party till like 10pm. Adults dancing outside, little ones running in and out, older kids watching phones all the way upstairs. Hanging out with my brother, him copying me, eating together, walking together, having fun giggling in sync. 

Maytte Y. 


I know so many different ways to be angry. When I come to school knowing I have to do work. Feeling angry when someone touches my stuff. When I start getting some of the questions wrong on IXL because they are hard. Cleaning my room knowing I didn’t dirty it. Having to wake up early for school, like just let me sleep! Needing to do the laundry, folding my clothes. Playing my worst when I have to play good. Going to Burger King, because I don’t like Burger King. 

Ms. Murray’s Class- 6th Grade

Un Sonido Callado

Santiago G. 

Cada dia aprendo estar callado. Por ejemplo cuando la temporada de Formula 1 se acaba, todo se escucha callado. Cuando eres el unico despierto de la casa, ahi sentado en el sofa, viendo y escuchando el silencio, cuando aveces haces algo mal en una presentacion, viendo como todos te miran mientras quieres ser invisible. Y cuando se te cae la comida. 

Every day I learn to be quiet. For example, when the Formula 1 season ends, everything feels quiet. When you’re the only one awake in the house, sitting there on the couch, watching and listening to the silence, when sometimes you mess up during a presentation, seeing how everyone looks at you while you wish to be invisible. And when you drop your food.

A Calm Place 

Yanely M. 

Where is a calm place you ask? 

Well some of my calm places are

my room, the park, the beach, I 

would take a walk. Something I also do 

is draw, I listen to music

I could talk to a friend

there are many ways to be calm

everyone has different ways

to stay calm. 


Paola C. 

I’m scared when I’m at a haunted house, scared at dark, scared at night, scared. When I’m scared I feel frozen, shaky and my heartbeat goes fast, sometimes, I need to cry when I’m scared. 



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.