Ears like an elephant – Self Portrait poems

Last week, Waters 6th graders read and wrote self-portrait poems. First, students drew a “cartoon” self portrait of themselves, some of them in human form and some in the form of a different creature. Then we read John Lee-Clark’s Self Portrait Poem before each student wrote their own. Take a look below and enjoy!

Ms. Hooper’s Class

by Ollie B.

Every one in my family has glasses
My sister is the only one without them
I wish I didn’t need them
I’ve broken many pairs
and they’re costly
I also like them

by Alexander H.

I am me,
a person who has an orange,
insistent cat
All these times, I spend
in my room
playing video games with
my friends on switch

The Owl Who Stares Back
by Ewan A.

I wake up and stare at
my closet. the eyes stare back.
as i walk outside I see
a rat stuck in my rat trap.
I pick it up and bring it
to my closet. As I crack open
the door, I see those eyes
dark as night. I chuck the
rat through the crack and slam
the door. Loud crunches and
roots fill the room. He
is satisfied. As I climb
back into my bed I see
him, the owl who stares back.
“Ollie, what have you done?” My
life forever changed.

Ms. Collins Class

Self Portrait
by Isabella R.

I’m like my mom and dad
I inherited my eyes from mom and dad; blue brown green
My ears are from my dad, he almost has ears like an elephant
Mom gave me milk chocolate hair
height is the most obvious; I got it from my mom and Dad
and that’s why I’m 5’1″

My Self Portrait Poem
by Zach L.

I am a blob
created by Mateo
I have many enemies
that are out to get me
the destroyer of dreams
he is the king
of nightmares
but I have friends too,
many friends at that
my name is ze blob
Me and my friends
are a group of dreamers
goodbye for now

Self Portrait
by Sami C.M.

I am Sami
I have a birthmark
on my
neck a
from life, candy
is what I need, also
my family
and seraphin
I love them
like I
love my
self I
am my
own self
portrait I
am me



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.