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No Love for Love is almost here!

Save the date: February 10, 7-8pm

All donors receive a ticket


You won’t want to miss this uplifting celebration of Chicago poets and students. Curious what poetry class looks like in the time of masked classrooms? You won’t want to miss our sneak peak into a “day in the life of a Poet” as Poet in Residence Joy Young spends a day in her CPS poetry classrooms. Hear directly from our students and our team, get creative, and have fun! Check out the teaser trailer here! Get your tickets by donating or buying one of the many amazing packages in our silent auction.

Support Poetry for Students

Fund Chicago’s Future


The Chicago Poetry Center supports 1500 students annually with weekly poetry residency programming in classrooms across Chicago. CPC was among the first partners to pivot with CPS and provide meaningful remote content, designed to stretch across the digital divide in the early months of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In School Year 2020-21, CPC brought high quality programming to virtual classrooms and homes across Chicago, providing students with literary and social emotional skill building and a space for their creativity to thrive. This year, we’re back in the classroom with our students, masked up and ready to write in-person!

Our team and our programs are committed to providing this critical support to classrooms across Chicago, whether in-person or online. Our donors make this possible. This season, we’re asking you to invest in students throughout Chicago by supporting the Chicago Poetry Center and our programs, so that together we can create more residencies that promote creative expression and literacy through poetry.


The Chicago Poetry Center has proven uniquely capable in providing effective creative literacy content and instruction, both in-person or virtually, continuing to make connections with students whether at home or in-person.


With your help, we plan to support 2,000 students next year, in more schools and with new residencies across Chicago. Please take a look at our donor levels at and help us support students and build residencies, and up your impact by working collectively.


Communities can now join together and pool their support towards funding and naming a residency. Donors can include the group name or the name of the organizing person with their donation, and we’ll recognize your community contribution on our website and at our campaign culminating virtual celebration on February 10, No Love For Love: 2022! An invitation to our virtual celebration event is included at any donation level.


All donors receive an invite to our annual celebration,
No Love for Love, on February 10, 2022, 7-8pm CST


Now, you can support the poetry center by bidding on the amazing packages available in our live auction, too! We’ve got an author-signed 1st Edition of The 1619 Project, a Haymarket Poetry Collection & POETRY Magazine Subscription, Coaching Sessions with Marty McConnell, Logan Theater tickets, and much more! Check out the packages and support CPC here.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.