‘Disappear’: Graduation Poems

8th-grade students looked forward and 9th-grade students looked back (respectively)  before writing their own poems about the act of ‘putting away’ and ‘looking forward’ as the speaker did in Nate Marshall’s poem, ‘the last graduation.’

Lesson Note: “I think one of the strengths of nostalgia is that even if they have not had a good childhood, most people have at least one nostalgic memory that they cherish and that they can use repeatedly. Someone once asked me: ‘How long do these effects last?’ My 11-year-old daughter said: ‘They last your entire life!’ She’s right, too. Once positive memories are instantiated they might have only represented half an hour of your entire childhood, but you can dwell on them and return to them forever.”–Dr. Tim Wildschut and Constantine Sedikides, Department of Social Sciences & Psychology,. Article: ‘Looking back in joy: the power of nostalgia.’

Ms. Taylor, 9th grade
Period One

Miguel A.

There’s girls crying, family members, all
over the place, it’s packed. I tell my mom
let’s go and she says okay then she takes me
out to eat and after that, I go home and
put on some comfortable clothes and put
my diploma in a safe spot.

Karolina R.

I cry sob
Hugging, saying their goodbyes
Taking pictures with teachers, parents
Going out of the school building
It’s sunny out, so bright.

I get home and take off my
gown. What am I
gonna do with this useless diploma?

I put it in a box.

Lelianie M.

A morning with all my stress relief
I was nervous and scared
I didn’t want to go to high school
My cap and gown on
My hair nice and done
standing in line
waiting for my turn to walk
I see everybody.
Parents, siblings, Grandparents
I walk on to stage.


Ms. Taylor, 8th Grade
Period Two

Emily W.

Get up, get ready
Out the door. Bring your tissues
Try not to gorget all the issues.

All the memories come back in floods
Floods of tears. You can bring out those tissues.

Only two years
Why so many tears
We grew so close
As if the past 2 years were a lifetime.

To all those fakes & snakes.
I never liked you.

Get home, text friends
As if it’s the end.

The Last Graduation
Natalia D.

To be a sad occasion
Walking in that shiny blue grown
threw the crowd
I’d say goodbye to all those I met
in the last 2 years
But hope we’d meet again.

Ms. Taylor, 8th Grade
Period Five

Michal K.

Get home.
Sit down.
On the chair.
In the living room.
Turn on my X-Box
Realize Fortnite isn’t cool.
I don’t care what anyone says.
Just stop.
I like Minecraft.

Tabitha W.

Standing on stage
afraid I’ll mess up
afraid I’ll trip on my own shoes or stumble as I walk
but then I’m there
standing in front of the principal
shaking his hand.

And this it’s over
we’re graduated
We’re highs school now
all going to different schools
disappearing out of each other’s lives.

The First Graduation
Eli Malthouse

Exchange the tank top and faded Levi’s
for a graduation gown,
blue and pristine
walk downstairs

My parents are there
wish my brother could come
walk out into the early June heat

the end of 8th grade
life starts something new
a chance to start again
to Erase the past
and fail the future.

Ms. Taylor, 8th Grade
Period Six

Hannah A.

-after Nate Marshall

Like I’ll never feel okay again.
I don’t want to leave

I’m not ready

I’m glad it’s over
I’ve finally finished
I’m finally leaving

I’ll go
Meet new people
I’m ready

7 billion people in this world
And I got to experience
This age with them.

I will miss
The school I want so desperately to leave
The people I don’t know very well

I will go home
Watch Youtube
Run outside

I won’t miss it.
I will tell them
That’s too much for my heart.

Our Graduation
Jehan B.

Take a deep breath
Close your eyes and look back
You see everyone. You smile
Feel the music playing
Pomp and Circumstance
It’s time. You’re here.

Once you walk down
that aisle, there’s no
going back. All the art
projects and playdates
turn into study hall and

Now, you are here
Standing on the stage
with your cap and gown
you see the audience.
You see your friends.
You shed a tear.

It’s afterward
hug and take pictures
say your goodbyes
You are sad but you know
This is only the beginning.

Ms. Taylor, 9th Grade
Period Seven

Matthew G.

Went to Pete’s
Took my gown off
Eat some chicken wings
Taste so good.

8th Grade
Ethan M.

Got to school
All dressed up
Everyone looking nice


Addie R.

excited for what’s next
new beginnings
new people
new life
ready to take the risk
smelling the sweet summer
the cool breeze flowing through the warm air
saying goodbye to childhood
Goodbye friends
Goodbye home
Goodbye high school
Hello new life
A new start
A sad ending
but a happy beginning



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.