Destination Unknown

It just so happens that Chicagoland was recently beset upon by a passel of snow, which makes this week’s poem a very topical selection: Robert Frost‘s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.” After hearing it read aloud, I spoke a bit about meter in verse, and asked if anyone noticed its rhyme scheme? It speaks to the enduring popularity of this quite famous poem that while some students noticed it straightaway, others were surprised to realize it had such a regimented format; I suggested that it is this transparency, coupled with the poem’s rhythm, as well as its striking imagery, that makes it so amazing. We discussed the speaker, wondering if it was Frost or a persona adopted by the writer, as well as the narrative—what exactly is happening here? And why do the final two lines repeat?

Typically, there was lively discussion and analysis among the 2nd and 4th graders, but finally it was time to write, so I asked them to make poems about traveling someplace. Here are the results…

Ms. Rupp, 2nd Grade

Traveling Trip
Jessica G.

I want to go on
a traveling trip.
It can be fun or
dangerous, but just a bit.

It can be weird
or precious. A shape,
hot or cold, anywhere,
silly or serious, all made of

A wonderful place,
burning or ice,
wherever it is,
it’s nice.

Summer in the Air
Eliana K.

It’s snowing out here in
Chicago, so we are going on a
trip to the Pacific.

When we got there, I was relieved
so we ran right into the
beach, on the winter night.

When we went to bed, I was
so sweaty, but then I remembered
I left my doll on
airplane so we ran to the
airport and accidentally went
on a flight. We walked up

down the aisles till we found
my doll, so I had to go on
another flight back to
the Pacific.

Darian K.

Traveling is boring and
like nobody likes it,
it is even the most
boringest thing. But once you
get there you will see that
it was worth it.

Traveling to California
Sridhar M.

When I travel to California
it is too hot.

It is fun in swimming
pools and scary rides.

Mega fast roller coasters
are fast, scary, and so fun.

A trip to California
is awesome.

Where Will I Go?
Samantha P.

Where will I go?
Shall I go through deep snow?
Or will I go somewhere far?
Shall I travel by foot or car?

I’ll ride or walk
With no one to talk
Miles I’ll go
Through white and drifted snow.

I’ll go where
There’s a special white hare
And I ask it to
Guide me through.

The place I found
Was rather round
With lots of snow
That has miles to go.

Ms. Beaudry, 2nd Grade

The Trip to Japan
Maddy D.

The trip to Japan
was so super hot!
Maybe they need a fan
in that very hot spot!

The trip to Japan
we went to the sea!
I saw a big man,
but I just left him be!

The trip to Japan,
the sand against my toes!
I heard a band,
and listen as it goes!

Please come with me!
To the cold, cold sea!

Down the Forest
Lennox G.

Me and my friends walked on the railroad.
We saw trees; that meant we made
the forest.

Down the forest we went. We
saw a bear.

We hid down. He saw us; but
he wasn’t interested.

That was trip; the close call

Going to Puerto Rico
Taylor H.

Puerto Rico is a wonderful sight. It is
very warm and you don’t have
to fight. There’s lots of good food
and don’t be spoiled the burgers are
awesome so don’t be a boil. You should
go here to this wonderful place I’m
not kidding it brings joy to your
face. I will come back one day and
bring the joy back to my face. I
love it I love it I love it too. Also
so will you.

Universal Studios Fun
Max L.

My trip to Florida will be fun.
I will only leave when all the rides are done.
I will stay at a cool hotel.
I will go on the minion ride.

The trip will be fun.
Especially because of the sun.
I love vacations. I will have fun.
I will only leave when everything is done.

Welcome back. Let’s pick up the slack and go
to school.

A Trip in the Snow
Anjali R.

A trip in the snow
is peaceful with grace.
It’s quiet with sparkles.
And with a lot of space.

It’s bright
and shines.
Like a star
and shimmers
in the snow.

A trip in the snow.

An Ocean Visit
Elisa X.

I visit the ocean
Deep as I can be
Sea creatures
As I can see

Sharks and turtles
Bigger than me
Anemones and clownfish
Colorful as the coral.

Deeper and deeper
Darker than thee
Fish with lights
And more whales

Than you can imagine
An ocean other one too
Seals and narwhals
Not as cold as me

Ms. Schwartz, 2nd Grade

The Hot Hot Desert
Maquan B.

Man it is hot. I need to stop the
car. But I can’t because I will melt
like ice cream. Why did I travel to
the desert? I need to go to the
beach. But there is no beach in the
desert. Oh my the desert is hot.
Hot like my pants are on fire.
I will never go
to the desert

Lina C.

I am going to Barbieland and Pancakeland
I want to be going

Rakiyah C.

I want to go to California again
But if I could I’ll go in my dream

I Am Running in a Circle
Chelsea C.

I am running in a circle and my
feet are getting sore,

and my head is

spinning as its never spun

and it feels like I am going to

Go Around the World
Caden K.

The USA is a big place
go to Nebraska, Illinois, Texas,
even go to Costa Rica, the Bahamas,
Wisconsin, you can go to Canada,
Brazil, go around the
whole world.

Traveling to Asia
Mark S.

There is a giant plant and
mosquitos everywhere and the seasons
are only summer and rain and it’s
like 100 degrees.

Traveling to San Francisco
Matthew Z.

San Francisco is a place that is
kind of quiet and a lot of people
it is very good it can be food
through the Earth by my
path I can go there.

Ms. Ward, 2nd Grade

Punta Cana
Kennedy B.

Punta Cana is an island with
sand and a fun place for kids
with a ball pit and many more.
There’s parties for kids. There is
a sports restaurant. There is a fancy
one with black and white with
checkers. There’s even a waterpark with
a slushy shop. My hotel was next
to the waterpark! It was so

Roman C.

Traveling to California would be OK
when I stay there much longer
it would be horrible.

Karsten E.

Once I traveled to St. Louis
for a hockey tournament. We
won 2nd place.

Phoenix G.

I’m traveling to Phoenix, Arizona
and go to the desert and burn
my toes and then I’ll be injured
and I’ll go in the pool and

Jalen G.

I went to Aruba
it was so peace-
ful that I was like

Zara M.

I want to travel to the
Shedd Aquarium and swim with
dolphins but they won’t
let you I have
helped out in a show
with penguins and then
I got to pet them
then I waved to
the audience. It was fun.
And I was behaving.

Alana O.

Scotland I miss Scotland I miss
where my relatives live where I
find more about me. At night I
cry to see thee Scotland I miss
Scotland I miss.

Ordinary Place
Andrew P.

Perfect—not cold—
out of the ordinary—
Columbia beach and

And never came back.

Traveling to St. Kitts
Leilani R.

When I went to St. Kitts
to see some of my family
members we saw a monkey
on the road I thought in
my head is he driving or
something! I don’t know.

Isaac T.

The moon I would
go. The moon where it
is quiet and peaceful.

Ms. Carlson, 4th Grade

Donovan D.

On my way to a
far place a very far
place I do not know
how to get there but
I’ll try my best to
get at my destination.
It is hard to get there
but I’ll try my best.
I would take a plane
but it is my mission to
get at my far away place.
I will soon make it
to the end of mission.

Michael H.

I got in the car, put on my seatbelt
and went off, I pulled out my iPad and started
to play it with my brother, I’m won against my brother
he’s a rookie, I turn it off put it in my bag and
went to sleep after we were in the car for
10 hours we got out, my brother’s baseball
game was over and I had a good time
at my traveling adventure.

New York!!!
Melania N.

Would you feel good begin
in a big apple. All the food
you could eat. But the only
thing you would not like
is all the noise and all
the traffic!!! Bye bye
see you later. I am going
to a big apple.

Traveling to Paris
Miracle S.

Going far away.
Traveling to where you never see.
Let’s see places come far to go.
Show where you want to go.

I see new people, Eiffel Tower, crumpets and
love boats.
See new things travel far places.
Paris where people meet and great love.
Travel far
Travel far

Max T.

Trying to find a destination. Impossible to find.
Hard to get to. Like the sky. No nightmare or dreams.
A place of nowhere. No blue skies. No bad lies.
But a place of nowhere. A place where I want to go.

Greece Is Here
Sophia Z.

I am at the airport.
I get on the plane.
8 hours to wait.
What will I do.
What will I say.
Greece is here to
stay. I am here.
My family waiting.
How should I
talk English or
Greek? Greece is
here. Greece is

Mr. Chau, 4th Grade

Nice Times
Arnav G.

In Chicago,
I close my eyes,
not knowing what
lies ahead of me.
Then I open my eyes,
and I am in a place
I have never seen before.

People are surfing.
A coconut falls on me.
There are palm trees
behind me.
People are lying on the
carpet on the ground.
I am in Key West.

I closed my eyes,
and opened my eyes
to see the place I
was born,

Minecraft Cakes
Jason L.

Out of the portal and to the cakes
which were nicely, freshly baked
their cool icing and soft dough
I promise I will not shoot it
with a bow

The cherries I pick are nice and
there is someone else eating the cakes
named friendly Lucy
we eat all of it so there isn’t a crumb
we also have icing so we lick our

Going to Places
Lauren L.

It’s time to leave
It’s time to go
I wonder where we’re going though
Slowly we move, through the snow

One by one
The people disappear
When we come back
Everyone’s gone

Now we leave again
Soon we will come back

Dream Traveling
Ariel M.

Tonight it’s time for me to go
The place I go, I shall not meet.
Though the people I see, will
be indifferent and small.
But will tell me about all.

They’ll tell me stories and
teach me to dream.
They’ll tell me to think of
certain things.
I’ll be one with my spirit, not
Until daybreak, when it’s time
to leave.

When I wake up in the morning,
I’ll feel strange.
But when my Parents ask me
how my dream was, I’ll say
it was okay.

Trip to Hawaii
Wendy W.

Go to your nearest airport.
Go on the plane.
Wait a couple hours and read a
random magazine advertising
beach balls.
Go out of the plane when it
reaches Hawaii.
Sit under a palm tree until a
coconut bonks you on your
Purchase a beach ball from
the magazine.
Throw the ball at a hula dancer.

Traveling to Neptune
Bryce W.

I’m traveling to Neptune
and I get to see stars.
I love it here
it’s the best.
Better than all
the rest.

My Final Fantasy
Isabella Y.

When I head off to my fantasy,
different things are done.
The rain is made of golden tears,
and houses are made of candy.

Diamonds, gold, and iron
are not even that scarce.
People are very nice,
not even a bit brutal.
When I head back to Earth,
I smile from all my fantasies.

Mr. Cox, 4th Grade

How to Go on a Fun Trip
Gabby B.

Grab a few friends,
hold on tight,
we are going on a fun
trip tonight!
On the fun trip when I drive,
I feel so very, very alive!

When we arrive at the
hotel, I’m very excited my
parents could tell.

We go tubing, running all
until it’s time to go and
lay down.

As I go to bed tonight,
I say tomorrow will be
such a delight!

An Unknown Place
Jenny C.

Whose cyan trees seem so real
Here life seems so imaginary
Though which there are cotton
candy clouds and odd-shaped
There must be some mistake
Even though it isn’t
Martian-like people and
chocolate lakes
Unicorns happily dancing
among sweet rainbows
Magical beans that grow candy
and star-shaped pies
Here I roam around and
Until I wake up and see
that this is just a weird dream

Turner F.

The north cold
out in the middle of nowhere
The prints trailing behind
The snow is glowing
because of the north lights above
No one to help me
But my huskies running along
all I live on is food and water
and nothing else to go on

Going to the Bank!
Annie H.

I’ve got to go!
Oh no!
The car is stuck in the snow
oh darn!
I need my credit card!

Esohe O.

The warm sun,
heating against my face.
Sticky fruits in orchards.
I can go home,
but Keetingsburg is my

Joyous laughter,
always in the
Rabbits, bunnies, squirrels
and hares!
I can live someplace far away,
but Keetingsburg is where
I am here to stay.

How to Get to Australia!
Markayla W.

Just take a plane, and just
get free peanuts.

After that, you can see all of
the pretty koalas, and horned

To a Place…
Carter W.

I get in my family’s car,
my dad drives real far,
we get in the parking lot,
but we notice this isn’t
our stop

So we drive some more,
but we have gotten bored,
so we just might as well
comfort ourselves, while we drive
into the starry night…

Ms. Travis, 4th Grade

Madeline A.

You’d think everything sparkles
and everything shines
and there are a bunch of casinos
and people always gamble for a prize.

But no
there’s more to it than that.
A different side to it.

Dry air.
It blows in my hair
as I ride the scooter
down the hill
rushing to catch up with my cousin.

It is very hot
and it has many hills
that you can climb
for fun.

It’s a great place to visit.
Oh, it is great.
It is so beautiful there.

How to Take a Plane
Michael C.

Get in your seat
fasten your seatbelt
put your things away

Get calm get
your things out
like an iPad or computer
stay calm it will
be a long ride

Loving Travel
Tamia C.

I’m here now
I need to stay
be with me and
love me to stay

I’m sitting here
I’m beating here
I’m moving here
I’m loving here

get on the airplane
and plane off but
come back and love me

The Woods
Hannah D.

It’s dark and I fear
something is coming
near I hear the loud

I run I run I run
until I can’t hear
the noises anymore.

There’s green all around.
Now I love that beautiful
sound the birds are chirping
the wind is blowing and I

think it might be snowing.
I would like to stay and play
but I have something to do

Mind Blown
Camri H.

We’re traveling.
I wait.
My brother
is kicking
the front
I scream.
It’s okay.
We’re here!

Can We Go
Emiliana J.

Can we go
to the show
in the snow

can we go
to the Happiness show
by the snow

we need to
because the owl is cooing
and it is frightening

we need to
because the show
is by the snow
and is the Happiness show.




“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.