
My fourth session with Swift 3rd graders was dreamy. We talked about many kinds of dreams and nightmares. Then we read the poem “D is for Daydreaming,” which ends with the following stanza:
“Try to daydream once a day
And see what comes to mind.
Perhaps write down the thoughts that come
And see what you can find.”

Ms. Pendola
2nd Grade

Daniel J.

I was playing uno with
a bird at the sky and I
won and other birds were
like yyyaaayyy! I was
like yay and other birds
where coming from the beach.
And the bird said How did you
do that?
and I said I don’t

My Sleepover Daydream
by A’Aliyah

Today 1-31-25 I’m having a sleepover with
my friend Paris at my house ’til Sunday which
is our church day and my mom got us
matching outfits. We both have a white
shirt, blue pants and black & white shoes
they are REALLY cute. Also, my mom
said we can stay up ’til 12:00 while she has
a glass of wine and eats popcorn.


I am going to write about dreams
I had. Here are my dreams
here we go
let me tell you all about it
3, 2, 1, go!
One dream me and my mom were cooking
cookies for Santa and it looked like some
cream on the cookies. It was red for
our love. And for Santa because I have
another one it is pink, too. good bye.


Sometimes when I sleep I feel
like I fell from a cloud
and landed from a soft pink
Or I have a dream of
a black tiger and hit it with
a bat.
But when I wake up I
fall and land on
a mat.

Daniel A.

I daydreamed that I was a hacker
And I hacked Ishan when he was
playing boddle. I hacked his pets and
made them so much better. I was
also alone in an underground secret
layer. There was millions of computers.
I had Robot panthers protecting
the entrance. They are fireproof
and waterproof. They cannot break at all.

My daydream
by Ishan

I daydream of playing soccer
I see lots of people yelling “yeah”
I score the other side of the goal

I ran so much and my energy
almost got lost but a little energy
didn’t get lost.


I dream of having
a dog
About how beautiful
they treat people.
I dream of big cats
In shades of black
and white
And riding a bicycle.

Ms. Brist
2nd Grade

Alyson R.

I daydream of driving a
unicorn to eat.
the unicorn has long
hair and likes to eat burgers
just like me. We drive to
McDonald’s and eat there.
It makes me feel excited
because he eats like
a dinosaur.


My dream is crazy. I’m driving
my dad’s car. I’m doing flips
with my dad’s car and crash
into McD’s and Dunkin’ and
a baby was right there but
there was metal and it
was protected.


I’m dreaming about going
to the zoo all by myself
and I see a zebra do a back
flip so I jump then I fly
to the alligator. Then the
alligator goes to sleep.

Gabriela G.

I had a daydream that my red
stuffed fox whose name is Love
was real and we had fun.

Then me and my stuffed fox
had so much fun when we went to the park
and got on the swings.

My dream was happy and sweet.

Kenedy E.

Tener super poderes
que se ayant vovado a mi mama



“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.