“Classrooms of Poets!”

After our sessions of writing poems about wishing, hearing, comparing, and dreaming – students at Swift Elementary School were as ready to try their hands at writing new poems as they were to celebrate taking a break for end-of-year holidays!  For our final poetry lesson for the year 2019, we did something called “Swan of Bees,” in which we put two strange things together to create unusual pictures in our minds.  In order to show off using the preposition “of,” we imagined one thing being “made of” or “full of” something else.  After creating examples like:   “a table full of us,” and “a bookcase made of grilled cheese sandwiches,” it didn’t take long for the word-play to begin!

Ms. Popovic
2nd Grade

I would like to have
Samantha F.

I would like to have a
elephant of showers
A dress of puppies
A ribbon of jewels
A friend of memories
A tornado of laughter
A book of presidents
A box of love
Some sunglasses of rainbows
A candy cane of sparkles
bunnies of fun
kangaroos of cuteness
notebooks of design


I would like to see
Fadi A.

I would like to see a board that is full of
candy. and I would like to see a paper full
of money.  and I would like to see a pencil full
of chairs.  and I would like to see a cloud full
of stars.  and I would like to see a wall full
of papers.  and I would like to see a door full
of hand sanitizer.  and I would like to see a desk full
of paper clips.  and I would like to see a bed full
of pencils.  and I would like to see a bowl full
of candy.


I would like to have
Jane I.

I would like to have a chocolate bar full of jelly beans.
A gingerbread house full of candy.
A sweater that is edible.
A teddy bear full of candy
A chair full of softness.
A candy that never stops.
A table that can give me math answers.
A toy that could talk.
A tree that gives me 90 dollars if I
say the password.
A cat that can talk to only
A bow that is edible.


Ms. Amato
2nd Grade

I would like to see
Ethan B.

a mailbox full of legos
a dog made of tape
a book made of sticks
a chair made of shoes
a bird made of fingers
a dragon made of legs
a book made of the globe
a reindeer made of marshmallows
a frog made of shoelaces
a pot made of soup
a house made of paper


Full of….
Lacey V.

A banana full of books
A strawberry full of marbles
A book full of people
A backpack full of chocolate
A rock full of popcorn
A tree full of bees
A person full of snow
A reindeer full of crayons
Shoes full of water
A shirt full of butterflies


Matthew R.

I would like to have a toy full of robots
I would like to have a truck full of money
I would like to have a car full of art supplies
I would like to see Santa full of toys
I would like to see all the people in heaven
I would like to see my aunt alive
I would like to see good people in my sight














“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.