All posts in Twain

For their third week of poetry, Twain 4th graders explored the meaning of family. I asked students “Where do you fit in your family?” Students thought about the positive and negative aspects of being […]

For our 2nd sessions together, Twain 3rd graders honed-in on the sense of sound. We talked about happy and sad sounds, loud sounds and quiet sounds, favorite sounds, and onomotopeia or, the use of […]

For their second week of poetry Twain 4th graders went back in time. They explored some of their earliest memories. Students were asked, “What are memories? Which memories are special to you?” The majority […]

For my first poetry date with Twain Elementary School’s 3rd graders, I came prepared to introduce the residency in four classrooms; to talk about “art class with words,” and learn something about the students […]

I’m excited to return back to Twain Elementary to teach poetry. This time I will be working with the 4th graders on Mondays. I felt welcomed by students who were so friendly and excited […]

For a final project, students used magazines and created cut-up poems! They used ‘found language’ and images to create new meanings. Here are some ‘in action’ shots of student hands working away! Lesson Note: […]

For part of our final project days, students created, ‘Blackout Poems’. They used ‘found language’ and images to create new meanings. Here are some ‘in action’ shots of student hands working away. Blackout Poetry: […]

For their 10th and final day of poetry, Twain 6th graders explored ideas about memories. We discussed the importance of remembering. Whether its remembering happy memories such as birthday parties, family vacations, and first […]

Students read a student poem, listened to Robert Frost’s star-themed poem, ‘Choose Something Like A Star,’ that used personification to talk to a star before trying their hands at their own poems addressing something… […]

There was so much to celebrate for 6th graders during their ninth session of poetry. There was a pop-up poetry event for 5th and 6th graders in the school auditorium, where Chicago Poetry Center […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
