All posts in Twain

Instead of writing new poems for our 6th sessions, Twain 3rd graders had a day of review and sharing. They practiced reading their poems aloud for their classmates, as well as offering and receiving […]

For their 8th week Twain 4th graders experienced the changing weather through poetry. Students were asked what their favorite and least favorite seasons are. The majority of students loved Fall because of Halloween, the […]

For their 7th poetry lesson, Twain 4th graders discovered haiku poems. Haiku is a short Japanese poem that only has three lines. The first line has 5 syllables, 7 in the second, and 5 […]

For our 6th sessions, Twain 3rd Graders imagined the kind of world we would live in if they were in charge. I shared my poem, “Life is For Us and It Shines,” which is […]

For their sixth poetry lesson, Twain 4th graders explored personas. The word persona comes from the Greek word for mask. Actors in ancient Greece wore masks on stage to represent different characters. Poets use […]

It’s hard to believe that we are already halfway thru our poetry residency! For our fifth sessions together, Twain 3rd graders discussed thinking “out-of-the-box:” being inventive, using our imaginations, and the pictures that come […]

For the fifth week in our residency, Twain 4th grades explored ode poetry. Odes are poems where the poet praises and celebrates significant people, places, and things. Students were asked “what type of things […]

For our 4th sessions together, Twain 3rd graders considered the nature of waking and sleeping dreams: dreams as hopes, and scary dreams to file under the heading: nightmares!🙀 We discussed the benefits and downsides […]

For their 4th week of poetry 4th graders explored ideas about dreams. Students were asked to define what dreams are and describe different types of dreams. The responses given were mind-blowing. Dreams can be […]

As an introduction to simile and metaphor, Twain 3rd graders discussed comparisons, or, what it means to note similarities between two things. Color, shape, size, idea, feeling, and sound are some of the ways […]


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“Writing poetry makes me feel like I can see myself, like I can see my reflection, but not in a mirror, in the world. I write and I know I can be reflected.”
-Oscar S.

“Writing poetry makes me feel free.”
-Buenda D.

“Writing poetry is like your best friend.”
-Jessica M.
